The Magazine

Surprised in Shanghai

A visit to our Concordia International School in Shanghai highlights the modern face of China and our education efforts there.

‘We Believe’

Our 11th National LCMS Youth Gathering makes a big impression on New Orleans.

A Lamp and a Light

“Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.”

These words from the Book of Psalms have been spoken and sung frequently, especially after they were put to music by Amy Grant.

Bigger and better!

In the opening paragraph of your story on the LCMS’ Houston convention, you described Houston as the “fourth-largest metropolitan area in the United States.” Unfortunately, you are misinformed. The fourth-largest metropolitan area in the United States, behind New York (19,069,796), Los Angeles (12,874,797), and Chicago (9,580,567), is Dallas–Fort Worth (6,447,615). Houston (5,867,489) comes in at

The way ahead

While I was not a delegate to the Synod convention, I was looking forward to action on the Blue Ribbon Task Force on Synod Structure and Governance’s exhaustive study of the need for reorganizing the LCMS, as brought to the convention by Floor Committee 8. Now that the convention addressed only about 50 percent of

Variation on a theme

In response to your letters about organists at church I had to share this tidbit: While visiting in Canada a few years ago, we walked into a small church located just off the street. It was very hot and humid that morning and threatening rain. The pianist was playing the prelude when there was a

Lutheran Witness: September 2010

The summer is nearly over, but the beauty of fall awaits. As you enjoy those final sips of lemonade, also take comfort in God’s deep, enduring love and mercy in Christ. Those are the lasting treasures that truly know no season!

Shedding Some Light

A GIft for Jesus When my grandchildren go to church with me, I like to give them each a quarter to put in the collection plate, which they both get very excited about doing. Well, on Easter this year, after dinner, my sisters hid some plastic eggs around my parents’ yard for the grandchildren to

‘He Has Lifted Up the Lowly’

by Rev. Christopher D. Hall Illustration: The Visitation by Bonvicino; vol. 34 of the Bowyer Bible; Wikimedia Commons In the summer of 2004, the Olympic Games were held in Athens, Greece, for the first time since 1896. In the home of the Olympics, the host country made many references to its pre-Christian past—and to the

‘Wait. . . Be Strong. . . Take Courage!’

The July 13 election of a man who will serve as the 13th president in the 163-year history of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod will bring, in his own words, “tumultuous change” in the LCMS. I pray that as a result of such change many more people will be brought to Christ through our witness to God’s love, grace, mercy, peace, and forgiveness.

Providing a complete picture

The May issue of The Lutheran Witness carried a fine article by President Kieschnick and a longer article of equal quality by the Rev. Charles Werth of Bethesda Lutheran Communities. Both items focused on ministry with and to people with disabilities. At a previous Synod convention, a task force was formed to deal effectively with

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