The Magazine

In the Public Eye

Eight Lutherans working in the limelight talk about how their faith informs their work.

God at Work

by Gene Edward Veith God healed me. I wasn’t feeling well, so I went to the doctor. The nurse ran some tests; the lab technicians identified the problem; the doctor wrote me a prescription; I had it filled by the pharmacist. In no time, I was a lot better. It was God who healed me,

Public Service and Citizenship: Thoughts from a Christian Politician

Our government is a gift from God, who calls us to be good stewards of it. by John W. Shimkus Religion and politics are the two subjects that conventional wisdom says should never be brought up in polite conversation. If this really were true, I would be a very lonely man. That’s because I am

God’s Grace and the Green River Killer

Dave Reichert pursued the country’s most notorious serial killer for two decades. Then, he did something few law-enforcement officers would care to do: He shared with the murderer a message of forgiveness. by Paula Schlueter Ross King County Sheriff Dave Reichert sat across the table from a man he has called “pure evil”–a man who

A Blessing, Not a Curse

The greatest miracle in Joshua’s life occurred just two weeks after his birth, when the Holy Spirit called Joshua to be His child through the waters of Holy Baptism.

Family matters

I enjoyed “Uncovering History,” your June/July Lutheran Witness article about Pastor Biltz. I always appreciate your historical articles. Perhaps you could provide a little more information about Pastor Biltz’s family. It was interesting that Biltz’s daughter married into the Walther family. Does Biltz have any descendants? Did he have other children? The gravestone you pictured

Honoring mom

The June/July Family Counselor featured a woman who was struggling to care for her elderly mother. Your answer explained how today’s generation has changed the types of people involved in the care-giving process, and that this woman needs to care for herself. However, you failed to offer this person proper resources to ensure that she

Lutheran Witness: September 2009

Maybe it’s just our growing older, but each year, September seems to arrive more quickly than anticipated. Suddenly, our vacation is a receding memory, the kids are back in school, Labor Day is upon us, and we are left to wonder, “What happened to summer and all the plans I made? Where did the time go?” One item that occupies much of our time is work.

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