Why (and How) to Read Your Kids Disturbing Bible Stories
Our children need to know about ugly realities like sin, death and the devil in order to understand the faith.
Our children need to know about ugly realities like sin, death and the devil in order to understand the faith.
The matter of the inerrancy of Holy Scripture is a matter of faith, not sight.
We take these topics up because they are difficult teachings of Scripture, teachings that perhaps Christians feel a bit ashamed about or find difficult to understand.
The October Lutheran Witness takes up several “Difficult Teachings of Scripture.”
Practical tips for studying the Bible at home, individually and as a family.
Many people consider the ELCA a representative example of Lutheran doctrine and teaching. Do its teachings bear this out?
The teachings of the Christian faith are, in fact, quite clear. They are found in extremely clear, uncontested biblical texts.
This issue contains a tool kit to help you read the Book of Concord, the faithful confessions of the Lutheran church for all time.
Lutherans confess Scripture to be inerrant. We are also pledged — every one of us — to the Book of Concord.
The October Lutheran Witness provides a toolkit for reading and understanding the Book of Concord.
As a composer uses harmonizing strains to form one grand piece of music, so also the Gospels create a full picture of Jesus Christ.
Is memorizing Scripture really that big of a deal?