Family Counselor

Dealing with a Complicated Medical History

by Theresa M. Shaltanis, M.A., L.P.C. I have a long and complicated medical history. I could have yet another surgery, but I may end up worse than I am now, or even die during the operation. I would rather go on like this than risk dying and not seeing my children grow up. My husband

Hanging Up the Keys

by Dr. Leslie (Jack) Fyans My elderly father is at a point where he is becoming confused, and he really shouldn’t be driving his car. My sister and I have gently tried to persuade him to give it up, but he’s a stubborn man. I don’t even feel safe letting my children ride with him.

Rise ’n’ Shine?

by Dr. William B. Knippa My teenage daughter is difficult to get ready for school in the morning. I find myself becoming really stressed and irritable. What can I do? Your voice joins the not-so-pleasant chorus of many parents of teens who know firsthand that mornings can be stressful. It helps to look at the

“Letting Go” of a Child

by Dr. Leslie (Jack) Fyans My 15-year-old daughter wants to be more independent. I realize this is a normal part of growing up. However, her father is finding it very hard to “let go” and wants to maintain the same degree of control over her. How can he and I work this out to the

Providing Support

by Dr. William B. Knippa A young family in our congregation adopted a baby girl; the mother later gave birth to a son. The little girl has developed disruptive and aggressive behaviors, to the point where we have had to keep her out of kindergarten. Now her brother is exhibiting some of the same behaviors.

Chastity Pact

by Dr. Randy Schroeder Our friends and their daughter recently signed a “pact” whereby the daughter promises to remain a virgin until she is married. I understand this is a growing practice. As a parent of a teenage daughter myself, I’d like some insight on what you think about it, and whether you have ideas

A Child in Harm’s Way

by Theresa M. Shaltanis My daughter has been serving in Iraq with the U.S. Army since last year. Frankly, I don’t care about all the politics of whether our forces should be there. All I know is that I live in fear every day that she won’t come home. Does that show a lack of

Facing Unemployment

by Dr. Leslie (Jack) Fyans I’m facing a layoff at work and am very anxious about what to do. My wife also works, but we can’t make it on her paycheck alone. How can my faith support me during this time? I hear the very real struggle in your question of not being able to

Family Counselor: Pornography in the Marriage

by Dr. William B. Knippa I was startled recently when I discovered my husband looking at pornographic Web sites on the Internet. At first he denied it was a problem, but he has since confessed that he has been doing this for quite a while. We are in the process of counseling for this, but

Faithful Tithers

by Randy Schroeder We always have been faithful tithers in our worship life at church. During the past year, however, we’ve had so many unexpected bills, we have had to cut back on how much we can give to the church. I feel very guilty about this. What does the Bible say about our offerings?

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