Family Counselor

Facing Death

by Dr. William B. Knippa I was diagnosed several months ago with a terminal illness. I think I’m over the initial shock of hearing that news. I have wonderful family support, and I know heaven is waiting for me, but I’m still scared. I’ve heard people talk about dying a “good death” or “dying well.”

Honoring My Mother

by Dr. Leslie (Jack) Fyans My elderly mother has been living with us for 2½ years. During that time she has needed more and more care. I’ve learned to help her with “routine” tasks such as dressing, toileting, etc. I love her, but I am getting worn out in the process, and I’m afraid I’m

Spiritual Support for Living Today

by Dr. William B. Knippa As a husband and father of three, I have been struggling to make ends meet, due to the general state of the economy. My income has remained steady, but the increase in my monthly bills, along with college on the horizon, has meant cutbacks in other areas—not the least of

Party Time?

by Dr. Randy Schroeder My 18-year-old son wants to host a party at our house—one that includes beer. His rationale is that he and his friends will end up drinking anyway, and at least at our house I’d be in control (no driving would be allowed). This, apparently, is OK with other parents. If I

Answering ‘Why?’

by Theresa M. Shaltanis God has blessed us with a son who is a hard worker, talented, and compassionate. He is also gay, and he has questioned why God made him this way. I told him I don’t know the answer, but that God doesn’t make “junk,” and that I will always love him. I

Reaching Out for Help

by Dr. Leslie (Jack) Fyans My husband and I have been married 20 years. Ten years ago I was unfaithful to him, but he is unaware of it. I have repented of this sin and have never repeated it, nor would I. I haven’t told my pastor, either. Do you feel it’s important for me

Dealing with Change

by Dr. William B. Knippa Our pastor recently accepted another call, and it’s been a blow to all of us in the congregation. He’s the most incredible pastor our church has known. We all thought he and his family were happy here. I’m especially worried about how this will affect my 14-year-old son, who greatly

Is a New Beginning Possible?

by Dr. Randy Schroeder I found out recently that over a six-month period my husband had an affair with one of his co-workers. I was so devastated and heartbroken that I told my best friend. She said I should divorce him because I have biblical reasons. I don’t know what to do. I thought we

Confronting Suicide

by Theresa M. Shaltanis I don’t have a question, but I have an observation that may help others. My 17-year-old son lost his best friend to suicide earlier this year. In the days following that tragedy, well-meaning friends and family questioned (judgmentally, it seems to me) how a teenager could reach such a point of

Making Choices in the Civic Arena

by Dr. Leslie (Jack) Fyans I turned 18 this year, and I am excited to vote in the upcoming presidential election. I’ve been following the race and talking with friends and family about my views. My parents and I disagree about presidential candidates for a number of reasons. They imply that I’m wrong because I’m

Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust

by Dr. William B. Knippa My husband and I are in our late seventies and are preparing what we think will be our last will. Regarding our funeral plans, one daughter thinks we should be cremated (it’s less expensive, less stressful for family, etc.), but our other daughter wants us to be buried. Neither of

Playing Second Fiddle

by Dr. Randy Schroeder My mother-in-law is overly involved with my wife. They talk on the phone several times a day, and my wife calls every night to tell her when our 1-year-old son falls asleep. The two of them even take frequent two- to three-day vacations together. At times, I feel like I’m playing

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