A Chaste and Decent Life
Christians must reclaim chastity as the vital, strong and beautiful virtue that it is: a standard and goal that should inspire, encourage and ultimately define all those who follow Christ.
Christians must reclaim chastity as the vital, strong and beautiful virtue that it is: a standard and goal that should inspire, encourage and ultimately define all those who follow Christ.
Married couples get to live out the sacrificial, unconditional and incarnational love of Jesus.
An unhappy, unfulfilling or difficult marriage does not call for a divorce, but for redoubled effort to craft a marriage that honors God.
God made us so that we would delight in Him and husband and wife would delight in each other.
Marriage is not a curse to avoid or put off for a better time. It is a gift that creates a husband and wife and a blessed family.
Although he wrote long before the Sexual Revolution, Tolstoy anticipates the tragic effects of such an ethic on human life.
Christians are not immune to the pain of broken families.
God has created the marriage bed for procreation and to create intimacy and affection between husband and wife.
Like workaholic dads, stay-at-home moms can feel torn between the claims of two roles. We are wives but also mothers, and sometimes …
Subordination need not be a burden; the Christian joyfully submits to Christ who provides for the good of those submitting to Him.
“Male and female he created them,” the Scripture says. And in that creation, God ordered the relation of the man and the woman, of Adam and Eve.
The January issue of The Lutheran Witness reflects on God’s design for the relationship between men and women, which culminates in marriage, a reflection of God’s redeeming work for His children.