Epiphany Traditions: King Cake & House Blessing
The season of Epiphany begins on Jan. 6. In this season, Jesus’ revelation is everywhere.
The season of Epiphany begins on Jan. 6. In this season, Jesus’ revelation is everywhere.
The Christian home should be a kingdom of the Law and the Gospel.
Families are part of God’s model for life on earth, and Christian families have an opportunity to confess our faith in Jesus by living out our vocations.
Attending church with our children is a powerful confession of faith. It is a chance to witness to our neighbors, our children and even ourselves that Jesus comes to us here on earth — and that we need Him.
Wondering where to start? Here are some resources to aid you in supporting your children’s education from within the home.
Family traditions show our children that our seemingly mundane and fleeting lives can be a reflection of the eternal life we are meant for.
God has trusted these little souls to our care for their time here on earth.
What in our lives could be rearranged, even given up, for the sake of our children and their being nurtured in Christian faith and love?
The Fatherhood of God should shape, form and order the fatherhood of man.
Every child is a blessing, even if that blessing is an opportunity for parents to learn self-sacrifice — and even if that blessing is, in the eyes of the world, one too many.
Rest is necessary. But as Christians, we see other people as central to our vocation, rather than obstacles to our happiness.
Our children need to know about ugly realities like sin, death and the devil in order to understand the faith.