On “The King Shall Come When Morning Dawns”: Hope So Close I Can Taste It
This is the dark before dawn. In the morning, He’s coming for us.
This is the dark before dawn. In the morning, He’s coming for us.
Thanksgiving hymns are all about provision, the good earth, God’s bounty, and His joy in the physical world.
My life is hid with Christ in God. I’m inside His armor. I get to see Him fight for me.
One of the ways to help us and our children read Scripture faithfully is through faithful, realistic art and illustration.
Marriage is an image, a shadow of the ultimate marriage of Christ and the church.
Through Cranach’s portraits of Johann Friedrich I over his life, we see the life of Christian suffering depicted.
Maurice Denis’ mysterious Easter scene conveys the prophecies fulfilled, and the life won for us, in the Resurrection.
Family traditions show our children that our seemingly mundane and fleeting lives can be a reflection of the eternal life we are meant for.
Tissot gave the viewer unvarnished slices of biblical life, based on his own experiences in those places where our Lord actually walked.
Adam and Eve’s sin brought death, while the seed of woman brought life.
In any act of Christian charity, we see Christ.
While Luther proclaimed the doctrine of justification in words, Lukas Cranach brought out this theology visually through his art.