Our Great Heritage: J.A.O. Preus II
This preacher, teacher, translator and LCMS president confessed the joyous reality of Christ and His resurrection found in Scripture.
This preacher, teacher, translator and LCMS president confessed the joyous reality of Christ and His resurrection found in Scripture.
Spurred on by a deep love for her neighbor, Rosa Young brought education and the Gospel to a region deeply in need.
Faced with false confession or schism, he chose the hard path, navigated extreme challenges, and helped establish our church body.
This talented Lutheran musician continues to influence our music in church, in the symphony, and on the radio.
“The Second Martin,” he helped the early Lutheran church navigate theological controversies and the deaths of its original leaders.
Born noble, raised to be a nun, then marrying an outlaw reformer and dying in poverty — Katharina understood the cost of clinging to Christ.
This humble German pastor and professor sought to restore the teachings of Scripture and share the blessing of a comforted conscience.
A diligent scholar, Aquinas sought to know God’s truth and communicate it in a clear way to a confused world.
Born a princess, she shunned her wealth to serve God by caring for the poor and needy.
Though not without error in his life and teaching, this French abbot loved Christ, and his confession of faith rings down through the ages.
As missionary to the Germans, he boldly confessed Christ as Lord and paved the way for Christianity to spread through Europe and beyond.
A heathen turned heretic turned Christian, this church father helped defend the church against the heresy of works righteousness.