Shedding Some Light

One for “Q and A”
As a farmer with many tasks that need to be done quickly when weather permits, too often I miss Sunday services. My question is: Is it better for me to sit in church and think about my hay, or for me to sit on a load of hay and think about the Lord?
An anonymous Lutheran farmer

But did he tithe?
In addition to exercising good stewardship with our finances, my wife and I trust the Lord with the welfare of our family. For instance, saving money can be enjoyable and liberating.

Suppose you have your eye on a new Toyota, but you know you should be saving money instead. How can you save money when buying a new car? Try this. Go test drive a Rolls Royce. Decide to buy one. Next, come to your senses and realize you can’t afford a Rolls. Then go buy the Toyota instead. Wow! You’ve just saved about a hundred grand.

Using this very same savings plan, my wife and I saved over $9 billion last year alone.
Charles Marshall
A Christian comedian

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