Cremation: Not a Christian Option

Having extensively researched the history of cremation and then published my book Ashes to Ashes or Dust to Dust: A Biblical and Christian Examination of Cremation (Regina Orthodox Press, 2005), I was deeply saddened to read Dr. William Knippa’s April “Family Counselor” response to a question about cremation. His counsel simply reflects our secular culture’s influence by suggesting it is biblically acceptable for Christians to have themselves cremated. To use an old expression, informed Christians would likely turn over in their graves upon hearing such unbiblical advice.

In my research, I could not find a single Christian denomination (liberal or conservative) that ever conducted a single theological study on cremation. Instead, they all, with the exception of the Greek Orthodox Church, capitulated to a very pagan practice. The early Christians resisted cremation so consistently that by the end of the fourth century, even the pagan Romans ended it. Then for almost 1,900 years, cremation was a Christian taboo in the West until atheists, universalists, and agnostics started to bring it back in the late 1800s. And now more and more Christians in ignorance are imitating these non-Christians.

In the Old Testament, whenever cremation is mentioned, it never has God’s blessings. Often it reflects God’s curse. See for instance Joshua 7:15, 25–26. Then there is Amos 2:1–2 that shows God punished the pagan king of Moab for having burned the bones of Edom’s king. God punished him by cremating him. He did not even tolerate cremation for pagans.

There were several reasons why the early Christians rejected cremation. They wanted to be buried because Christ had been buried; they did not want to give credibility to the pagan argument that cremation makes it impossible to resurrect the body; the knew cremation had no biblical approval in the Old Testament, and they remembered St. Paul said the Christian body was the temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 3:16–17; 6:19). They could not envision their Christian bodies being cremated.

Yes, God can raise a cremated body. But that is not the question. For what God can do, and we may do are two different things. When the devil tempted Jesus to jump from the pinnacle of the temple and God would give him a soft landing, Jesus responded, “Do not put the Lord your God to the test” (Luke 4:12). Jesus did not doubt God’s power, but it was not for Him to test Him. It is similar with cremation.

Also, let’s not forget the many comforting Lutheran hymns that promise departed Christians a peaceful sleep in their graves. Cremation contradicts these hymns. Will we soon cremate these hymns, too?

Finally, research shows that today more and more Christians only believe in the resurrection of the soul, but no longer the body. The growing practice of cremation reinforces that unbiblical belief. Thus, for Christians to be counseled and to practice cremation is indeed very sad.

Alvin J. Schmidt, Ph.D.
Jacksonville, Ill.


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13 thoughts on “Cremation: Not a Christian Option”

  1. I find the verses mentioned do not directly or indirectly say that cremation of a deceased person’s body is wrong in the eyes of God. All of these verses are about the condemnation of people by their actions and happen to use fire, or are about fire in some way (the bones), not about the choice of disposal of the earthly body. We know that over the thousands of years bodies of christians and non-christians alike have been lost to sea, burned in tragedies, burned in the holocaust, burned or lost in all kinds of accidents, drowned, burned/crushed on 9/11, burned in plane crashes, devoured by animals (even those in the Roman persecution where lions were involved) — and, the body decays in the grave. Not just pagans burned – pagans had certain ceremonies – it isn’t the act of burning that is solely pagan, it is the beliefs & ceremonies that make them pagan. Then there were times of great disease where bodies were pushed into mass graves or burned to try to stop the spread, pagan, or christian. Do we really need to take indirect verses about fire and interpret (because it is definitely an interpretation and not a clear mandate) it to mean that the body must only “respectfully” decay in the dirt? Jesus died to free us…rules like that that are man made…and verses pulled out of context to back them up – are unnecessary. I’m far far from “progressive” and much more conservative in such things – but there are some things that seem to just be man-made rules based loosely on someone’s interpretation and in the end, they don’t matter at all. Also the idea of, well Christ was ‘buried’ so we should only be buried too – is strange – we don’t get buried behind a large rolled stone, with herbs & a shroud either. Christ’s tomb was empty after 3 days…it wasn’t their cultural practice to burn the body, but if it had been, HE still would have been raised up on the 3rd day.

  2. The body is flesh that rots, and decays…it is the soul that will be resurrected, not the body..It is the spirit. That body was just a vessell to be used for a temporary time. That is why the soul leaves upon death.. IF resurrection were to come, the souls would be called and given anew…

  3. I agreed there are only examples of burial of the death in both the Old Testament and the New Testament.

    1) The Bible recorded mainly recorded the biblical characters that are part of God redemptive plans. Most of them are wealthy. So, they can afford burial.

    2) They had more lands outside of the cities than today. Dead people can be buried outside of the cities as a “mass burial” (famine, wars, diseases).

    3) The Old Testament recorded “tossing children” into the fire as part of Idol worship.
    Today, cremation is NOT “worshipping” the false God.

    The basic treatment of the “deceased” body.
    1) burial – takes few weeks for the body to be decomposed (rotten).
    2) cremation – “purify” the dead body in less than 2 hours.
    The person will not feel the “burn” sensation after deceased.

    (The question is whether I want my body rotten in few weeks or purified in 2 hours).

    Biblical implications:
    1) The “soul” leaves the body (the corruptible body)
    2) Resurrection – all believers are promised of the “glorified body”.

    A Christian burial (whether it is burial or cremation) is how the funeral service conducted with biblical reading, singing, and a brief encouraging words from the bible or Christian testimony of the deceased person.

    To say: Christian burial must be “burial” is a “spiritual abuse” which God condemned.
    There is no biblical instruction or implication that cremation is a sin or God forbidden cremation.
    I am a LCMS member who studied this burial/cremation topic from biblical and cultural perspectives.

  4. I wonder if those condemning Cremation have investments in mortuaries or graveyards or headstone companies etc.? Burial has become ridiculously expensive and leave many poorer people with no choice but to cremate as it is 1/4th the cost of a funeral / burial. I’ve read many places where the Bible does not specifically reject nor endorse cremation. I feel too many people mis-interpret the Bible. My family won’t be able to afford a burial for me so it may end up being cremation.

    1. Carmen Maria Soto

      My father worked in a factory in New York City earning $40 a week, we were 4 children and my mother – 6 in all. I was brought up with immigrants, and we all had Christian burials in our vicinity. I want my body to go up with Jesus when he returns. You have nothing to look forward to. When Jesus comes, I want to go up to him in body from the grave.

  5. Stella Shepherd

    What about those burned up in fires. I have no doubt they will rise in their glorified bodies. I understand there is a difference in intention but the outcome is the same for a believing Christian. I see no biblical reference that it is forbidden.

    1. Don’t try to make a rule out of an acceptation. This is always unwise. The same faulty argument is used with the one on the cross who wasn’t baptized and yet entered heaven by the grace of God.

    2. Don’t let an exception be made into the rule. This kind of faulty reasoning is often cited concerning the the thief on the cross who was promised heaven without the usual baptism. The saints have always buried and so honored their dead. Christian burial is a clear statement of faith.

  6. I have a question about John 3:13.
    What did Jesus mean when He said He is the only one to ascend to heaven?
    Theresa L. Salka

  7. Many of my friends & family have been cremated. I do not want to go against God but I would like to be burned rather than to rot in the ground. We are running out of room for burials and cremation seems like a very good way to honor a good life and put that individual to rest until God comes again. Have thoughts changed since 12 years ago on this subject?

    1. Kay, thank you for your comment. Please stay tuned for an issue later this year that will address cremation in part.

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