Standing Ready

Thank you for the helpful articles on military vocations in the August issue, presenting civic, theological and personal perspectives on a calling that is unfortunately necessary in a sinful world. We as Christians must come to grips with the serious question of women serving in combat. One searches in vain in Scripture for women engaged in battle. Why? Because it was as unthinkable then as it should be now. “God created man in His own image . . . male and female He created them” (Gen. 1:27). The evil one is pleased to alter God’s plan of creation to “male or female He created them” with completely interchangeable roles and vocations as the world sees fit. The beautiful New Testament image of the “bride of Christ” is robbed of meaning. Is she (the Church) the one defended and protected by Christ, or does she defend Him?

Rev. David O. Berger
Olivette, Mo.


My LW arrived in the mail yesterday. What an outstanding issue [about] “Soldiers of the Cross,” veterans, chaplains and those recovering from causalities of war. I couldn’t put the LW issue down but read all the articles cover-to-cover well into the evening last night. This issue reminds me of another when I served in the USAF 6569 in Italy and Greece: another war called “The Cold War.” When chaplains of that era called on me and administered the Sacraments, what great comfort!

Dan Lindner
Allen, Texas

Thank you for the splendid August issue of the Lutheran Witness highlighting the important work that our Armed Forces do in guarding our freedoms. These dedicated men and women leave home, family and country so that we and our families can live in peace and security. We are especially blessed to have courageous LCMS pastors who serve our church and country as chaplains. They are the presence of Christ to those who serve in war-torn lands. Thank you for devoting an issue to these selfless people who are God’s instruments for our protection.

Deaconess Carolyn Brinkley
Military Project Coordinator
Concordia Theological Seminary
Fort Wayne, Ind.


Kudos to the staff of LW for the August issue concerning soldiers and their faith. I am a Vietnam Veteran. Once a soldier, always a soldier. The transformation that takes place in a man from civilian to a soldier is akin to the transformation God makes in us when He calls us His own. [Just] because a man is a soldier does not divorce him from his faith. This was so well-stated more than once in the August journal.

David K. Hoffman
Lapeer, Mich.


I just wanted to let you know that many in our congregation, especially veterans, think the August Lutheran Witness was one of the best ever printed. We want to thank you and all the people that you interviewed for such a wonderful magazine.

Lois Poissant
Middletown, Conn.


I enjoyed immensely the August 2012 issue of LW. How wonderful that our military men and women abroad have access to chaplains of such high quality. However, these articles made me wonder what exactly was going on when I was in the Army in Vietnam. Our company was much larger than that of “MASH” that you see on TV, yet I never–in the entire year I was there–saw or even heard of a chaplain. To my knowledge, we just didn’t have access to any religious services. We would have had plenty of time for a service and the Lord’s Holy Supper. But we had nothing. I wonder why, in such a disastrous mess, our spiritual needs were ignored.
Bert Webster


The LW piece was a historical, faith-building, powerful, profound and penetrating story of how our battle against demonic forces still goes on. But Jesus and His servants–General Jack Vessey and other Christian soldiers–still embolden us to pray for healing, hope and the promise of ultimate victory in Jesus Christ. This is our temporal and eternal stand. This may well have been the most important of all previous Lutheran Witnesses because again the dogs of war begin to bark and bite, and the answer is again “Faith over fear.”

Dr. Albert Jabs
Lexington, SC


While reading the August issue, I recalled the pastor who served St. Paul’s, Hollandale, Minn., for many years. He was Rev. Herbert Bussman. I attended confirmation classes for three years. Every week during class, he used his well-worn service Bible. He told us harrowing stories about his years as a military chaplain in the South Pacific during World War 2. What a role model he was as he served our Lord and served our country!

Apryl Brand

Yuma, Ariz.

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