Breaking the back-sitting Lutheran

by Tom Raabe

As Lutherans, we are a distinctive people. Certainly, with the great body of Christendom we hold much in common, but as Lutherans, all would agree, we have our particular emphases.

Who could not, for example, think of Lutheranism without calling to mind justification by grace through faith, the three solas, or the distinction between Law and Gospel?

Likewise, who could think of Lutherans without thinking of a people possessed of an unflagging, unabating, almost obsessive desire to sit in the back of the church during worship?

Methodists don’t cluster in the rear as we do. Neither do Presbyterians, Reformed or Episcopalians. As for Baptists, they tuck their Bibles under their arms and march right up to the front — even when they’re not late.

But we Lutherans, we find a pew way in back and we hunker down — no matter if we’re early or late, if it’s Sunday or Wednesday night, if it’s a wedding or a funeral. We just do it; it’s part of who we are. It’s one of the things that makes us Lutherans — along with sitting in the same pew every week (but that’s a different column).

Why do we sit in the back? Perhaps we take Jesus’ parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector to heart. We seek only to emulate the humility and penitence embodied in sitting as far away from the place of honor as possible. We are not Pharisees; we are publicans — or, at least, patrons of publicans (historically, anyway).

Other explanations are less flattering. It could be that a preponderance of law-oriented sermons over the years has driven us to the back. Or maybe a different biblical citation is apposite: “The last shall be first” — to the parking lot and coffee-and-donut feed, that is.

Whatever the reason, pastors, understandably, seem always to be complaining about it, seem always to be beckoning their recalcitrant charges forward so they don’t have to project their voices across a dozen empty pews before their words find a living eardrum.

And ushers can be very wily in their attempt to people the vacant frontward pews. They frequently cordon off back pews, or they plant themselves way up front, with stacks of bulletins in their hands, and then refuse to move. I guess the premise is that once we traipse up to the front to get a bulletin, we are either too lazy or too weak-willed to shuffle all the way back to sit down.

Shame. Humiliation. Guilt. Usher-led schemes. Pastoral begging. None of it has carried our feet forward.

So, what’s the answer? Tiny hymn boards with tiny hymn numbers located only in the front? Inflatable dummies in the back pews? The reverse psychology of roping off the front pews?

No, what centuries of practice have rendered immutable tradition cannot be so easily deprogrammed. If the people won’t come to the pulpit, perhaps the pulpit will have to go to the people.

And for this, we can tap the always-advancing field of technology. Holographic preachers have already made their appearance in certain high-tech sanctuaries: Techies can capture a preacher’s voice from past recordings to construct a digital replication and make the hologram say whatever the board operator types into the system. The image can be projected to a spot in the middle of the chancel, where the virtual pastor stands to deliver his sermon.

But that’s still up front. And we’re still in the back. The problem remains. One option would be to construct a dozen virtual pulpits and station them all about the sanctuary. Each holographic portal would “house” a holographic image of the preacher holding forth, all of these images speaking the same words at the same time.

Now, I don’t know about you, but that would creep me out.

What I’m suggesting is that, instead of the holographic images all preaching at the same time from a dozen virtual pulpits, a single hologram would be moved randomly about the holographic portals, appearing here in this portal, appearing there in that portal, popping up Jack-in-the-box-like in any one of the twelve positions, constantly in motion during the sermon.

Sitting in the back would lose its attraction; there would, in effect, no longer be a “back” of the church. The problem would be solved.

Now, about that issue of how we sit in the same pew every week . . .

Even though he writes allegedly humorous articles about breaking Lutherans of their back-sitting proclivities, Tom Raabe still, unrepentantly, sits near the back of Christ Church–Lutheran in Phoenix on Sunday mornings.

12 thoughts on “Breaking the back-sitting Lutheran”

  1. Another theory; Lutherans do not believe that asking for forgiveness amongst men will benefit them so an Altar would naturally be offensive.

  2. As a former Southern Baptist who became Confessional Lutheran this year…the “back row baptist” was a very real thing.

  3. I have noticed this and it never really bothered me. For myself, I just don’t want distraction during the liturgy and minimizing changes helps so we try to keep the same pew or close to it if it’s occupied when we arrive. Also, the other families do the same and we don’t want them to have to look for another place.

    My supposition is that most people stay to the rear because new or visiting members usually sit there and just stay. If they don’t start there and they’re young, they end up there when they have to worry about a newborn crying or a young child misbehaving. My wife and I have commented on how our parishioners seem to creep forward as they age– both to see and hear better and also to make room in the back for families with younger children.

    Much to our surprise, we found our children’s behavior improved markedly when we moved forward and they were able to see over the adults. Their ability to sit still improved just as much when their feet were able to rest on the floor while sitting in the pews.

    What any of that may mean to anyone, I don’t know, but they are all either truthful facts or thoughtful speculation on those facts. Whatever the actual mixture causing this phenomenon, it does amuse us.

  4. Like all families with small children sat in the back rows. Hubby was usher and sat away from us with the other ushers. When oldest son became upset because he couldn’t see the Baptism one Sunday we allowed him to choose our seats the next Sunday. Of course we were led to the second pew on the right. We have continued to sit there for the last 54 years. (The only worry was would I stand up and sit down at the proper time. 🙂 )

    1. Amen Mari!! I had to find the best place for my hearing aids and it is second row on the right! Also much more convenient when I read scripture.

  5. I was baptized and attened Wisconsin Synod Church and schools. When my husband and I had our son we wanted him to attend a Lutheran School. Which led us to a our church. A Missouri Synod Church and blessing for our family. Growing up my family would sit middle to the back. Unfortunately today I am one who prefers to sit in the back. I have Parkinson’s and my tremor becomes worse at rest. Plus I try to take notes. The last thing I want to do is have my pen fly and hit someone! A bit of humor! I never liked to attract attention. The Lutheran back pew format has been going on for years. I recall my grandparents telling me at one time men and women sat on opposite sides! We have come a long way. I think the most important thing is to see the pews filled. Concerts and Broadway shows are packed and look how people scramble for the front row. I pray that the church will see this kind of attendance.

  6. I was very disappointed to get to the last paragraph only to discover your answer to this problem is to project one holographic image around. Really? That’s the solution to this problem? I was really looking for a valid way to change this habit of many Lutherans. This was a waste of time. Next time I’ll have to search a bit harder for the one tiny little word “Satire’ at the bottom of the page, to keep that from happening.

  7. I’m a life long Lutheran. Spot on humorous article. I don’t understand why we, as Lutheran’s, just don’t put 4 pulpits in the sanctuary. ?

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