“We walk by faith, and not by sight.” What we have seen over the last few months has frightened many. If we see people standing too close, we fear we might get sick. Face masks have become commonplace. The news has shown us images of hospitals, of the sick and dying, of doctors and nurses risking their own health to care for those in need.
We could give up hope seeing such sights, but we do not walk by sight. We walk by faith in Jesus who brings life by His death. As we start to regain our footing from the COVID-19 pandemic, it is time to reflect on how the church responded. At what points was our reaction formed by what we saw, and at what points did we react in faith? What can we learn for the next crisis?
This month’s authors start asking the questions. They ask how COVID-19 revealed some of our idols. They ask about the government’s response and start reflecting on how the church might respond in the future. Other authors ask about the opportunities to witness to our hope in Christ in spite of government regulations and shutdowns.
We have started asking the questions and formulating the theological foundations. You will find more articles on the website as well (witness.lcms.org).
Now we ask you to help us carry the conversation forward. Let us know: Do these reflections match your experience? How did you, your family and your congregation respond to the crisis? We want your input and insights as we prepare the church to continue in the days, weeks, months and years ahead.
As with all things, we begin — and end — with Christ. While the world around us frets and worries, we do not fear. Christ has overcome death and brought life; He is the outside-in cure for our inside-out disease.
Walking by faith,
Roy S. Askins
Managing Editor, The Lutheran Witness