The April issue of The Lutheran Witness explores the Christian’s life in the three estates: the church, the family and the state.
- From the President: Christ Crucified
- From the Editor: Death and Resurrection in the Family, Church and State
- Marriage: Cross and blessing in Christ — Molly Lackey
- A Week of Life and Death: A meditation on Holy Week — Sean Daenzer
- Resurrected Body: Jesus’ answer to transgenderism — Andrew Packer
- Awake or Woke: The outline of a Lutheran view — Adam S. Francisco
- Snippets: News from around the LCMS and the world
- From the CTCR: An Inexpressible Treasure: The theology and practice of Holy Baptism
- Lutheran Education: Lutheran Schooling for Every Lutheran Child
- Set Apart to Serve: What Can We Do To Get More Church Workers?
- Searching Scriptures: The Example of Christ