The August issue of The Lutheran Witness takes up the topic of “Heresies: Ancient and Modern.”
- From the President: For God So Loved the World
- From the Editor: Heresies: Ancient and Modern
- Gnosticism: The modern influence of an ancient heresy — Peter Burfeind
- Moralistic Therapeutic Deism: An impressive name for an everyday heresy — Joel Bierman
- Prosperity Gospel: A heresy of false promises — Chris Rosebrough
- Denying Jesus’ Divinity: The essence of the Arian heresy — Brian Gauthier
- Nestorianism & Eutychianism: Heresies about Jesus — David R. Maxwell
- The Question of Salvation: Pelagianism and double predestination — Jon S. Bruss
- Snippets: News from around the LCMS and the world
- Lutheran Education: Necessary Discipline in the Home
- Set Apart to Serve: Who Follows in His Train?
- Searching Scripture: Count It All as Loss