The December issue of The Lutheran Witness explores the family — what we can learn from the Holy Family, how the church can act like a family especially during the Christmas season, how to address difficult family situations, how the church can welcome singles, and more.
- From the President: Christ Heals the Conscience Torn by Abortion
- From the Editor: A Family Community
- The Family of the Last Adam: The church is a family; how can we operate like one? — Christopher Nuttelman
- The Gift of the Holy Family: How God set one family apart for our salvation — Roy S. Askins
- A Walk Through Advent: Preparing for Christmas worship as a family — Leonard Payton
- ‘The Solitary in a Home’: How the church can serve singles, and how singles can serve the church — Adriane Heins
- Honoring Sinful Parents: Keeping the Fourth Commandment like our Lord — Daniel Grimmer
- Snippets: News from around the LCMS and the world
- Walking Together: Congregational spotlight on Bethlehem Lutheran Church in Warrensburg, Mo.
- Worship: Music in the Home
- Searching Scripture: A Worldwide Community (1 Peter 5:8–14)