The February issue of The Lutheran Witness recalls the history of the “Walkout” of all but five professors from Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, 50 years ago this month — including the theological controversies that surrounded it, and why those theological distinctions are still crucial today.
- From the President: Excerpts from “A Statement of Scriptural and Confessional Principles”
- From the Editor: Broken Community: Fifty Years After the Walkout
- It’s All About the Gospel … Isn’t It?: Issues surrounding the Walkout — Daniel Harmelink
- How Did We Get Here?: Theological context of the Walkout — David P. Scaer
- The Historical-Critical Method: A critical look — Timothy H. Maschke
- What Happened to Natural Law?: The historical-critical method and the loss of meaning — Dean Wenthe
- The Gospel and the Church’s Mission: History and context of the missions department walkout — Roy S. Askins
- Snippets: News from around the LCMS and the world
- Walking Together: Congregational spotlight on First Lutheran Church of Boston
- Worship: Psalms in the Daily Life of God’s People
- Searching Scripture: A Holy Community