The May issue of The Lutheran Witness explores the topic of prayer: how we ought to pray, what prayer is, and guidance for both individual and family prayer.
- From the President: The Diptych: A Guide for Prayer
- From the Editor: In Jesus’ Name
- Lord, Teach Us to Pray: Praying in and through Jesus Christ — Peter Bender
- Let Us Pray: For the church and for the world — Sean Daenzer
- Praying Luther’s Small Catechism: How we can, and why we should — John T. Pless
- It’s Time to Pray: Leading our families in daily prayer — Christian J. Boehlke
- Powered by His Promise: Praying the psalms with Luther — Brian German
- Collect of the Day: A simple way to pray in every situation — Jennifer Jordan
- Snippets: News from around the LCMS and the world
- Walking Together: Congregational spotlight on a tri-point parish in western Minnesota
- Worship: Sermon in Song — Why Pastors Should Sing
- Searching Scripture: The Shepherd’s Community