“Lutheranism and Other Denominations” Booklet

There are thousands of Christian denominations in the world today. With so many options, what are the odds that Lutherans really have everything right?

But it is not a matter of odds. As President Harrison writes in his introduction to this booklet, all these differences come down to a few simple questions, starting with this one: What is the highest authority in the church?

Lutherans hold that God’s Word alone, found in Holy Scripture, is the true source of doctrine for the church. And we believe that the Lutheran Confessions are faithful to that Scripture at every point.

This resource from The Lutheran Witness, adapted from our October 2022 print issue, gives a short introduction to 10 major Christian denominations (as well as “non-denominational” Christianity) — what they teach about God and about man, and the sources they draw these teachings from.

The booklet also shares the Lutheran confession to each of these denominations, showing where their doctrine strays from the testimony of Scripture.

Table of Contents

· Preface by the Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison

· Roman Catholic

· Eastern Orthodox

· The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

· Anglican

· Reformed

· Presbyterian

· Methodist

· Baptist

· Pentecostal

· Amish & Mennonite

· Non-Denominational

· Conclusion: Justification, the Article Upon Which the Church Stands or Falls

We hope that this booklet will aid and encourage you in sharpening your confession of Christ crucified and of the Scriptures, as you

This resource can be used for personal reading or in classroom, youth group or Bible class settings.

Congregations, teachers and individuals are welcome to print and use this resource for any educational or catechetical purpose.

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