The February issue of The Lutheran Witness is all about smaller congregations — that is, the vast majority of congregations across our Synod.
- From the President: A Kingdom Not of This World
- From the Editor: The Small Congregation
- Where We Stand: A look at data on LCMS congregational attendance
- ‘Where Two or Three Are Gathered’: Large or small, what makes a church is the same everywhere — Matthew Richard
- Three Starting Questions for Smaller Congregations: How is God using your congregation as it already is? — Mark Wood
- A Synod of Smaller Congregations: Congregational size in the history of the LCMS — Lawrence R. Rast Jr.
- All Christians, Chosen Priests: The priesthood of all believers can help smaller congregations thrive — Ken Schurb
- Smaller Congregations: The Challenges and Blessings: God is working good through the challenges we face — Stacey Eising
- Bivocational Ministry: A holy burden, from St. Paul’s day to our own — Troy Neujahr
- Healthy Youth Ministry, Regardless of Numbers — Julianna Shults
- Snippets: News from around the LCMS and the world
- Walking Together: A congregational spotlight on Messiah Lutheran in La Crescent, Minn.
- Worship: ‘In Whom We Have Redemption’: The Forgiveness of Sins in the Divine Service
- Life in the Church Year: Candlemas: Candles, Crepes and Compline
- Formula of Concord Reading Plan: February — Free Will
- Searching Scripture: Opening the Old Testament: The Prophet Like Moses