The Latest Articles

The online musings from pastors, theologians and laity that will help you see the world from a Lutheran perspective. 

Candlemas: Candles, Crepes and Compline

The Feast of the Purification of Mary and the Presentation of our Lord falls on Feb. 2.


Praying Colors, Morning and Evening

I first encountered morning and evening colors at Naval Station Newport in Rhode Island.

Share my Suffering?

My body is diseased, and I am suffering with an illness, but I do not want to burden my children or my church with it. I have not told them because I do not want them to suffer with me.

Who is Jesus?

Jesus asked, “Who do people say that the Son of Man is?” (Matt. 16:13). That is a very important question.

The Jesus Prayer

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy upon me, the sinner. Whence it first arose is a matter of some debate among scholars …

The Demise of the American Family

Today, two-thirds of all marriages are preceded by cohabitation, by just “living together.”

More than Half of “Christians” Don’t Believe the Gospel

Among Americans who consider themselves Christian, 52% believe they are saved by their good works rather than by faith in Christ as Savior.

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