Ashes to Ashes?

Dr. Knippa suggests [in the April 2008 Family Counselor] the questioner look at for a “historical and scriptural perspective” regarding cremation.  He then refers to this with no scriptural references. I would suggest that LCMS add the Bible reference of Joshua 7:15, 25, where we are told that an accursed criminal had to be purged

Pastors Wanted

St. Paul asks in Romans 10, “How are they to believe in Him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching?” Synod’s congregations will need around 2,700 pastors in the next 10 years, an average of 270 each year, just to fill retirement vacancies.

Keep up the good work

Bravo!  The April, 2008 Lutheran Witness deserves a gold star.  This is the best edition in a long time.  The articles are relevant, fresh, and thought provoking.   May God bless this ministry! Glenna OsbornMember of St. Matthew Lutheran ChurchLee’s Summit, MO   Thanks for the free copy of the Witness.  Our former congregation’s pastor chose to

Rural revitalization: a good idea, but is something missing?

The idea of the rural community as a mission field is right on!  For more than 30 years, Dr. Hunter, a rostered LCMS pastor, has been helping churches big and small work toward the effective transformation of the Lord’s Great Commission to make disciple of all peoples.  I have heard him say time and time

What God wants us to see

I enjoyed so much the article “Seeing what God wants us to see” in the April edition of The Lutheran Witness. It brought to mind a personal experience that I had some years ago. I had always had a fear of flying and was dreading my upcoming flight to Toronto on business.  I had only flown

Spoiled ending

Pastor Borst’s article about stumbling into the wrong movie was intersting enough, but did he have to tell everyone the ending to a movie a lot of us have NOT seen? Respectfully, C. Richard   Read More Letters to the Editor Send letters to “Letters,” c/o The Lutheran Witness, 1333 S. Kirkwood Road, St. Louis,

Shedding Some Light

Putting Together the Pieces Two-year-old Katelyn was watching the children’s TV show “Blue’s Clues.” The episode featured a pizza, which Katelyn repeatedly referred to as “Pastor’s Pizza.” Pastor’s Pizza? What could that be? Befuddled, her family finally figured it out—the pizza was cut in the shape of a cross. Two-year-olds do see Jesus! —Rev. John

Captivating compassion

Regarding the story “50 Faces of Mercy” in the March 2008 Witness, you highlighted 50 lives changed by compassionate Christian action. Captivated, I read each and every story. Well done. Paul Koch   Read More Letters to the Editor Send letters to “Letters,” c/o The Lutheran Witness, 1333 S. Kirkwood Road, St. Louis, MO 63122-7295;

Missing the mark on reconciliation

I disagree with Rev. Gleason’s April Witness letter (Be reconciled) that recommends ‘commune now, reconcile later.’ He stated, “They know it [reconciling] is what God wants and calls us to do. But that person cannot yet do it.” Communing in such rebellion will not make a person stronger as Rev. Gleason suggests, but weaker. We

The Miracle of Pentecost: A United and Harmonious Church

by Rev. Jeffrey Sippy An old adage says polite gentlemen do not speak poorly of another man’s bride. Can you imagine? Can you imagine someone speaking poorly about your spouse? Yet the Bride of Christ is often maligned and insulted by reckless and thoughtless words—sometimes by its own members. Criticism, complaint, and gossip are the

On Funerals

I struggled with your editorial on funerals (Feb. 2008 Q&A).  Serving in a congregation that regularly does more than fifty funerals a year, it becomes clear that our issue is not so much truth as love.  A funeral or memorial service is for the living, and the focus is on proclaiming the gospel of Jesus

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