Poster Power: Meet the Translators

Each Growing in Christ poster provides the text of the Bible story, which is printed in English, Spanish, French, Chinese, Arabic, and Russian on the poster’s reverse side. “So often in these faraway lands the people cannot read their own language, thus a picture is truly worth a thousand words,” says Deaconess Pamela Nielsen, senior

A Tool for the Toolbox

Through a chance meeting, a pastor discovers firsthand the spiritual benefits of a ‘little’ project on which he had worked.

Shedding Some Light

What Teachers MakeThe dinner guests were sitting around the table discussing life. One guest, the CEO of a local company, decided to explain the problem with education. “What’s a kid going to learn from someone who decided his best option in life was to become a teacher?” he argued, reminding the others of the old

Confessing and Confirming the Faith

by Dr. John W. Oberdeck Luther planned the Ninety-Five Theses for academic debate. The popular document moved rapidly beyond Luther’s intention and became the rallying point of the Reformation. Soon Luther and the other reformers found themselves making public confession of what they believed and taught. Public confession of faith helps distinguish Scripture’s teachings from

Luther, the Gospel and Us

Lord, reform the church. Begin with me. As we prepare to celebrate the festival of the Reformation, our thoughts naturally turn back to the circumstances that led to the event nearly 500 years ago.

Rise ’n’ Shine?

by Dr. William B. Knippa My teenage daughter is difficult to get ready for school in the morning. I find myself becoming really stressed and irritable. What can I do? Your voice joins the not-so-pleasant chorus of many parents of teens who know firsthand that mornings can be stressful. It helps to look at the

On Chaplains

Thank you for your article on the ministry work of chaplains (“In the Shadow of Death . . . Chaplains Speak of Life Eternal,” August). As one who lives and works for and with the military, I know that the work of chaplains can be distant or close to home. One chaplain, Ch Richard Townes,

Families Challenged

After reading the June/July 2007 Lutheran Witness, I am moved to write regarding the “Family Counselor” letter. A pastor was concerned for a family of adoption who struggles with behavior challenges and hence has limited church attendance. We could be that family. We are one of those families. We have lovely children who, when not

Ablaze! on the Road

Opportunities for telling the Good News abound—even when we’re busy with our hobbies.

Chaplains and “CRM” Status

The 63rd Convention of The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod held in Houston approved one resolution of particular interest to me. “Resolution 1-06 recognizes more than 230 chaplains endorsed by the Synod’s Ministry to the Armed Forces, who “serve in arduous and dangerous arenas on land, sea, and air through lengthy and repeated deployments, separated from home

Funeral Planning

  How grateful I am to The Lutheran Witness and to Jonathan Watt for raising the issue of funeral planning for Lutherans (September 2007 issue). I would simply suggest adding Sacrament to Word. The new Lutheran Service Book puts the two together in a remarkable way in the new Funeral Service. What a way to

“Making Hay”

The answer given to the farmer troubled about missing Sunday services wisely avoids giving a general answer to a question that must be considered individually with each Christian struggling with the question of balancing work and worship.  But the answer also fails to re-explain critical truths about how God works in the world, truths which

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