One Road to Heaven?

Gene Edward Veith, is most certainly to be commended for so much in his Sept. 07 LW article, “Only One Road to Heaven?”  But he most certainly contradicts himself when he states, “The very concept of “heaven”. . ., is a distinctly Christian belief.  Supplemented with the belief in the resurrection of the body, the

More on “Is God Green”

I have only recently read the article “Is God Green?” and believe it is on target on all accounts. May I, however, share two concerns with you? 1.  I wonder how many of your readers are willing and able to dig through and digest the dense theological underpinnings of the article? 2.  Should this have

Perplexed by “Poster Power”

I was perplexed when I read the article about the all white Sunday school class in St. Louis sending literature featuring a white Jesus and other white biblical characters to an all Black Sunday school in Kenya. This on the heels of an article on racism in a previous issue, and even a letter to

The Hinge of History

The Reformation fueled significant changes in many aspects of life, and its effects still resonate with us today.

Values in Public Schools

I am responding to the letter from Tim Utter (September ’07 Witness). My children do attend public schools that support family values. They are taught respect, kindness, friendliness, tolerance, and integrity through character building programs. A school’s job is to educate, and often that means teaching topics on which we may have different opinions. Excellent

Moving Tables

Some are called to ‘higher things.’ Others are called to move tables.

Is “Mosaic” descriptive enough?

I read with interest the article by Rev. Ronald E. Nelson entitled “Mosaic–a multiethnic multigenerational church start.”  I am pleased that the CNH District is making the effort to reach out in this way and also with the “successful” results with 210 people attending the “first celebration event.” I am disturbed, however, by the choice of

Reaching Out: Luther on Mission

In a world with very few evangelism opportunities, Martin Luther had a profound sense of the importance of witnessing to what Christ has done for sinners.

Updates from the Districts

by Ron Nelson Fan Into Flame is different from previous Synod campaigns. The Forward in Remembrance and Alive in Christ campaigns were conducted nationally across the entire Synod. Fan Into Flame is being conducted district-by-district. Below is a summary of where participating districts are in the process. Texas. The district has concluded its participation as

Poster Power: In the Mission Field

Packing for international travel–especially if it’s a mission trip–is no easy task. But when Christine and Aaron Ferber, members of Immanuel Lutheran Church in St. Charles, Mo., traveled to Honduras to work at a Christian orphanage for five weeks, they decided to take both the Old and New Testament Growing in Christ posters with them.

Chosen and Blessed

“CHOSEN” was the theme of this year’s National Youth Gathering —a major purpose of which is to help our young people grow in their understanding of who they are as CHOSEN ones of our gracious God.

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