We Preach Christ Crucified
The message of Christ’s crucifixion is complete folly to the world and has been ridiculed from the beginning.
The message of Christ’s crucifixion is complete folly to the world and has been ridiculed from the beginning.
The June/July issue gives a preview of this summer’s convention, including resolutions and nominations.
Until recently nearly all content on the internet was real, that is, produced by a human. … Not so anymore.
Jesus does not command that we suffer abuse and injustice passively. There may be times we need to set boundaries in our relationships.
Ultimately it matters that we know and confess the fullness of our human nature because Christ took on that same human nature to redeem us.
Understanding ‘woke’ worldviews will help Christians known how to respond to this movement spreading across the U.S.
While the study of the Catechism is not always the most pleasant experience of childhood, adults can still treasure that foundation.
Be on guard and “stay awake at all times” so that you are not distracted by … this world and unsure about your salvation …
Moscow and Kirill remain important reminders for us, as well: that our ultimate identity, that the church, rests … in Jesus Christ
God built countless gifts into His creation. He gave us the warmth of fire, the smell of dirt and the taste of apples gathered in a sunny orchard in October. He also gave us poetry. Poems may not grow on trees, but they still occur as part of the created order. Humans instinctively desire to …
Why (and How) to Teach Your Children Classic Poems Read More »
Multi-congregation parishes can help congregations thrive in their work, refocus on what it means to be the church and remain in place with a lively presence of Word and Sacrament ministry.
How does one find the church? Christ has left His Bride with marks of the church in the world.