Lutheran Witness: May 2021

The May issue of The Lutheran Witness takes up the theme “Seek First the Kingdom of God,” exploring how this looks for Christians in a world full of temptations and idols.

Seek Ye First

This word of promise helps us face our anxieties and cry out in confidence to our Lord and Savior.

Anselm of Canterbury

On April 21, The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) commemorates the great Archbishop of Canterbury St. Anselm.

Here I Stand

A poem celebrating Martin Luther’s famous stand before the Holy Roman Emperor during the Diet of Worms on April 18, 1521.

The Christian Artist

Everyone is an artist.This is a revelation to those who never thought of themselves as artists before.

Four Views on Jesus

As a composer uses harmonizing strains to form one grand piece of music, so also the Gospels create a full picture of Jesus Christ.

A Word on the Equality Act

The Equality Act would bring sweeping changes to current laws, to the great detriment of biblically faithful churches, institutions, Christian schools and individuals.

Anointed for Burial

Jesus was anointed so many times, it is no wonder that He was called “the Christ,” which in Greek means “anointed.”

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