Poor sinners, royal priests
What exactly is the “priesthood of all believers”? And what does it mean for us?
What exactly is the “priesthood of all believers”? And what does it mean for us?
Christmas and Advent are also about Christ’s coming in Word and Sacrament today, and about living in eager, joyful anticipation of His second coming.
Let us join the Holy Family and shepherds and angels in focusing our gaze on the babe in the crib, on the greatest Gift of God, born to bear all our sins and give us eternal life.
Chrismons turn our attention to Christ, symbolizing His life and ministry.
Visitation is the sacred duty of every pastor. To be sure, the ministry of Jesus, the apostles and St. Paul was not tied to any one place.
The Lutheran Witness examines the arts of Christmas in its December issue, “We wish to see Jesus.”
The atoning death of Christ is the fount of Christian thanksgiving.
The CTCR has produced five new documents and approved fellowship with four new Lutheran church bodies in the past year.
The loss of control magnifies the gift of prayer.
Who could think of Lutherans without thinking of a people possessed of an unflagging, unabating, almost obsessive desire to sit in the back of the church during worship?
The November Lutheran Witness offers a look into the “State of the Synod” in 2019.
Out of His unconditional love, grace and mercy, God makes saints of every generation.