Compounding Results
Continually teaching and preaching about Gospel stewardship year after year transforms stewardship culture.
Continually teaching and preaching about Gospel stewardship year after year transforms stewardship culture.
Attending church with our children is a powerful confession of faith. It is a chance to witness to our neighbors, our children and even ourselves that Jesus comes to us here on earth — and that we need Him.
Richard Adams tells a story that is not overtly Christian but nonetheless reflects Christian truths.
Our homes can confess that God is for us when we root them in the Church Year.
Confession is not optional in Jesus’ book. The Christian confesses the faith before the world.
This issue discusses how we can confess Christ in our communities, homes and churches.
We subscribe to the Confessions because they are a faithful exposition of God’s Word, not just insofar as they contain the Word of God.
As the people of God, we do not let the news or the experts direct how we see the world. We listen to the voice of Jesus.
Civilized, political communities are predicated upon civil, polite communication.
This booklet gives an overview of 11 Christian denominations and their theologies, providing the Lutheran response to each.
Read through the Formula of Concord with us in 2025 — just a few pages a week!
How should Lutherans consume the news in a politically polarized nation?