Male and Female He Created Them: Speaking the Truth in Love About Transgenderism
How can Christians speak the truth in love about transgenderism?
How can Christians speak the truth in love about transgenderism?
Married couples get to live out the sacrificial, unconditional and incarnational love of Jesus.
An unhappy, unfulfilling or difficult marriage does not call for a divorce, but for redoubled effort to craft a marriage that honors God.
This humble German pastor and professor sought to restore the teachings of Scripture and share the blessing of a comforted conscience.
As church workers, the Gospel must remain the source of our comfort and sustenance.
Some simple, practical advice on teaching the Word of God at home.
If you are noting a malaise in stewardship in your congregation, the best move is back to the catechism.
God made us so that we would delight in Him and husband and wife would delight in each other.
The events surrounding “the Walkout” dramatically affected the lives of the professors and seminarians at the Springfield seminary of that time.
Sports are great in their place. But where they displace divine worship, they have no place in the Christian life.
The whole of the Old Testament proclaims Christ and cannot be fully understood apart from its fulfillment in Christ.
The June/July Lutheran Witness explores the book of Acts.