
A ‘Pit Crew’ for Men’s Ministry

by Rev. Timothy C. Cartwright I am a great advocate of outreach and evangelism. As with my current congregation, Grace Lutheran in Ashland, Org., and with all the congregations I have served, at Gloria Dei Lutheran Church in Hudson, Ohio, where I first met Leo Mehl and his wife, Marjorie, (see the print edition of

Our Seminaries: Responding to Needs, Addressing Costs

by Roland Lovstad It’s fair to say no two ministries–or congregations–in the LCMS are alike. They may be small churches in rural America, “megachurches” in the suburbs, or historic congregations in urban settings. Surrounding these congregations are wonderful opportunities to bring God’s Word to immigrants, ethnic groups, blind or deaf people, families, children, military personnel,

Starting Anew with a Seminary Graduate

by Roland Lovstad Graduating seminarians anticipate seminary “Call Day” as a time to move from preparation to active ministry. At the same time, congregations like Emmanuel Lutheran Church in Hampton, Va., anticipate the day when their hopes will be met with a new pastor. “Here we are going into 2008 after four years without a permanent

Four Writers Reflect on Their Call to the Ministry

by James Heine Because we focus on pastoral recruitment, education, and support in the May issue of The Lutheran Witness, we asked our clergy contributors this question: Who first encouraged you to consider the pastoral ministry, and what effect did that encouragement have on your life and on your desire to become a Lutheran pastor?

A District President Looks at Rural Challenges

by Roland Lovstad Regardless of whether rural or small-town communities are growing or declining in population, there is usually an increase in the number of unchurched or uncommitted people, observes Rev. Russell Sommerfeld, president of the Synod’s Nebraska District. “First of all, the challenge is connecting with many of these people,” he says. While younger

Making ‘Saints’: From Montana to Missouri

by Paula Schlueter Ross All six of Rev. Arlo Pullmann’s children–ages 14 to 22–left their home in Laurel, Mont., to attend Saint Paul Lutheran High School, halfway across the country. Pullmann, pastor of St. John Lutheran Church, Laurel, and first vice president of the LCMS Montana District, and his wife, Nanette, attended Saint Paul back

He rose ‘again’?

The following article is from the Q&A section of the August 1997 issue of The Lutheran Witness, p. 25. We can find no one who has the answer to this. Why do we say of Christ in the Creed that “on the third day He rose again from the dead”? Why “again”? Christ rose only once

Saint Paul Institute for Education

by Roland Lovstad “We envisioned a training center that would partner with the Missouri District, a center that would touch areas of rural and small-town ministry but also assist professional church workers and lay leaders wherever they need assistance in ministry.” That’s how Dr. Ralph Geisler describes the Saint Paul Institute for Education (SPIFE). Geisler,

Education Inspiration

Read an exclusive profile of Concordia, Irvine, student Kelly Warneke and comments by Concorida, Portland, graduate Lynn James about the benefits of a Concordia education. Also, read observations from ‘Kit’ Nagel, assistant professor of business at Concordia, Bronxville, on teaching as a ‘second career.’

‘The Good Lord Was with Us’

Everybody who rode out the May 4 tornado in Greensburg, Kan., has a story. And many of those stories reflect a strong Christian faith.

Ablaze! on the Road

Opportunities for telling the Good News abound—even when we’re busy with our hobbies.

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