By Issue

Lutheran Witness: December 2007

We all enjoy receiving cards and letters at Christmas. Whether from family far away or friends across town, they remind us of the relationships with which we have been blessed. Often, even in this aggressively secular age, those same cards and letters remind us of the great gift our heavenly Father gave us that first Christmas long ago in Bethlehem.

Lutheran Witness: November 2007

By the time this issue of The Lutheran Witness arrives on your doorstep, many of us will have been thoroughly inundated by all the relentlessly commercial manifestations of the coming Christmastide.

Lutheran Witness: October 2007

In human terms, 500 years is a long time. The world in which Luther lived half a millennium ago seems distant and hazy when we compare it to the life we lead today.

Lutheran Witness: September 2007

magazine, is for laypeople, while Reporter, our monthly newspaper, is for professional church workers and congregational lay leaders. This principle has served us well

Lutheran Witness: August 2007

With this issue, we salute and say goodbye to Mr. Don
Folkemer, managing editor of The Lutheran Witness
for the past eight years. Under Don, who retired
July 31st, the Witness held its own during a tough time for denominational magazines, whose circulations across the board have been falling for many years.

Lutheran Witness: June/July 2007

Missouri Synod, a constant challenge is trying to stay in touch with everyone to some degree. This isn’t easy to do. There are 2.5 million of us in some 900,000 households attending 6,150 congregations in 35 districts from Maine to Hawaii.

Lutheran Witness: December 2006

In this month’s cover story, Dr. Ardon D. Albrecht of Simi Valley, Calif., offers an inside peek, replete with pastoral and professional insights, into the soon-to be-released movie, The Nativity Story.

Lutheran Witness: November 2006

Why do Lutherans resist dirtying their hands in the secular realm? This is the question posed by Dr. Uwe Siemon-Netto, director of the Institute on Lay Vocation at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, in this month’s “We Are Needed: Are Lutherans Afraid to Take on the World?”.

Lutheran Witness: October 2006

Another story about the new hymnal? Yes, with this issue, we conclude our coverage of the run-up to, and arrival of, Lutheran Service Book (LSB). Few topics have commanded as much Witness ink in recent years as LSB, the fourth major English-language hymnal in the Synod’s 158-year history.

Lutheran Witness: September 2006

Normally, we use this space to draw your attention to a particular article—often the cover story—in the issue at hand. This month, though, I’d like to comment on the regular department known as ‘Letters’…

Lutheran Witness: July/August 2006

In June, we marked the coming of Pentecost with a cover story on the Holy Spirit. This month, we focus on another aspect of the season: Jesus preparing His Church for its mission in the world.

Lutheran Witness: June 2006

Jesus spoke of the coming of the Holy Spirit to indwell in men, giving them a new birth into the kingdom of God. And come the Spirit did, in a most miraculous way, among 120 believers gathered on that first Day of Pentecost. In June, we focus on Pentecost, the birthday of the church, through the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.

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