Lutheran Witness: October 2022
The October issue of The Lutheran Witness provides an overview of 12 Christian denominations.
The October issue of The Lutheran Witness provides an overview of 12 Christian denominations.
The September issue of The Lutheran Witness celebrates the 500 year anniversary of Luther’s translation of the New Testament into German.
The August issue of The Lutheran Witness defends the truth and accuracy of Scripture’s inspired testimony, under the theme “Breathed Out by God.”
The June/July issue of The Lutheran Witness examines war from a Lutheran perspective: even amid the horrors in Ukraine, we look to Jesus.
The May issue of The Lutheran Witness discusses Christ’s Ascension: its theological import, its celebration and its meaning for Christians.
The April issue of The Lutheran Witness celebrates the 175th anniversary of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, under the theme “Our Lutheran Heritage: 175 years.”
This issue provides practical tips for Christians fighting acedia, and reflects on the Christian’s calling to zeal for God’s Word and His gifts.
The February issue of The Lutheran Witness provides an overview of nine non-Christian religions and schools of thought, and responds to each with God’s truth.
The January issue of The Lutheran Witness reflects on God’s design for the relationship between men and women, which culminates in marriage, a reflection of God’s redeeming work for His children.
The December issue of The Lutheran Witness discusses how the Christmas canticles — the Magnificat, Benedictus, Gloria in Excelsis and Nunc Dimittis — point to Christ year-round.
The November issue includes seven submissions by Lutheran writers on an array of topics — from the reflections of a pastor who buried 50 of his members over five years, to an article on what C.F.W. Walther teaches us about church and state.
The October Lutheran Witness provides a toolkit for reading and understanding the Book of Concord.