The Magazine

Questionable advice

I am not a licensed psychologist; rather, I am a family sociologist with 25 years’ experience in university classrooms, teaching about marriage and family relationships. I disagree with the December Family Counselor advice given by Dr. Jack Fyans to the woman who struggles with guilt over an affair that occurred a decade ago. Although she

Seizing the opportunity

As St. Paul often mentioned believers by name and celebrated their faith, I would like to seize this opportunity to celebrate the faith of Paul and Barbara Borden of Zion Lutheran Church, Fallbrook, Calif., who lost everything but their faith in the 2007 Southern California wildfires. Paul and Barbara continue to be an inspiration to

Whom May I Commune?

I ask this question as a Roman Catholic who by way of marriage is related to many Missouri Synod Lutherans. I am, in fact, a eucharistic minister, and I have been asked by members of my extended family to commune elderly Lutheran relatives residing in assisted-living facilities. I have refused based on my understanding of

Not easy reading

I have subscribed to The Lutheran Witness for many years. Of late, there are colored pages sometimes, and that is hard to read. Just thought you should know. I appreciate all the information and interesting articles. Name and address withheld by request   Read More Letters to the Editor Send letters to “Letters,” c/o The

Answering ‘Why?’

by Theresa M. Shaltanis God has blessed us with a son who is a hard worker, talented, and compassionate. He is also gay, and he has questioned why God made him this way. I told him I don’t know the answer, but that God doesn’t make “junk,” and that I will always love him. I

Shedding Some Light

Thoughts for the New Year The most important thing in communication is to listen for the things not being said. Happiness comes through doors you didn’t know you left open. When someone says, “That’s a good question,” you can be sure it’s a lot better than the answer you’re going to get. Don’t expect God

We Have Seen His Majesty

by Rev. Jonathan C. Watt Read 2 Peter 1:16–18. He was an eyewitness. St. Peter said he saw the majesty of Jesus. The word majesty is a kingly word. It has to do with greatness and power. Glory is another word for majesty. That’s what Peter says he and the other disciples saw. He recalls

The ‘Little Town’ Today

Despite its current economic or political clime, Bethlehem is still the place where Christ was born—where many still travel to remember a night long ago in this little town when the Light of the World came into its ‘dark streets.’

Look at the Birds

Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? —Matt. 6:26 ESV

Christmas wars

I am commenting on the article “The Christmas Wars.” There are wars indeed to be fought over Christmas, but nothing so trivial as “Merry Christmas” versus “Happy Holidays.” No, this war is much bigger. This is the war on materialism and how it detracts from worshiping God. I fear I’m alone in this war, and

A poor choice

I received my December issue of The Lutheran Witness and was utterly appalled at the cover page. It belongs on the cover of a child’s publication. Why was there not a picture of the nativity or at least a picture relating to the birth of our Savior? The article “The Great Christmas Wars” could still

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