The Magazine

A real blessing

As a 75-year-old recently new-born Christian, I have so much to learn. “The Best Christmas Pageant Ever,” Dr. Reed Lessing’s December article on Matthew’s genealogy was a real blessing. It reminded me yet again of the depths beyond depth in God’s Word. Though I can never fathom them all, the story of those five women

A great suggestion

My comment is for Diane Strzelecki who wrote “Bringing a Nativity Set to Every Home” (December). This is a great idea—I’m happy to see it publicized in The Lutheran Witness. In the past, I have included, along with the nativity set, a child’s book of Jesus’ birth and the story of Christmas to go along

Supporting church workers

I commend the letter which appeared in the December Lutheran Witness and suggested that congregations consider assisting pastors with their educational debt. The average educational debt that 2008 seminary graduates carried into the pastoral ministry was more than $27,300. Since this is the average amount, there are many new pastors who have much higher educational

In Bethlehem: Hope Behind the Wall

Lutherans in the United States and in Bethlehem are working together to bring hope to the town of Jesus’ birth and to maintain a Christian presence in Palestine.

Thinking economically

Several years ago, my congregation, a bedroom community of upper-middleclass people, wrestled with the idea of continuing blanket subscriptions to The Lutheran Witness for all members due to your huge increase in price. At the same time, I noted that you began using glossy, heavy paper, which surely added considerably to your costs. I submit

Extremely Lent

Lent is extreme. God gives up His Son, Jesus, who then gives up His life, for the sake of those He has come to seek and save. This is extreme.

More Dr. Siemon-Netto, please

We have enjoyed reading Dr. Uwe Siemon-Netto’s articles in The Lutheran Witness. We have not seen any in a while and would like to see more of them. They are thoughtful articles, very meaty and powerful messages. Robert and Marie Heckmann Richmond. Va. Dr. Siemon-Netto is working on a story that is schedule to run

Sharing our faith

I thank God that the Holy Spirit led Kathy Reed (“An Accidental Missionary,” December) to witness to her faith, speaking carefully chosen words in her “difficult situation.” The prophet Jonah (chapter 1) also faced a difficult situation. After the mariners “each cried out to his god” they confronted Jonah for his action of going into

Lutheran Witness: February 2009

In many respects, the issue of The Lutheran Witness you hold in your hands offers an international perspective. In these pages our authors range from Palestine (Bethlehem and the West Bank) to Brazil, Iran, and finally back to our own U.S.

Lutheran Witness: January 2009

Peculiar. Today, when we use that word in conversation, our implication is
often pejorative. But as Dr. Lawrence Rast Jr. points out in our cover story, there is an older tradition regarding the use of peculiar, too, a sense that means special, unique, and yes, different in a good way.

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