The Magazine

Positive covers, please!

Being in the seventh decade of my life, I have long wondered why you so frequently choose such grotesque, repulsive covers for The Lutheran Witness. The March special issue was no exception. It just made me shudder. No wonder we are losing so many of our youth. It is as if we are stuck in

Sharing Our Faith

Thanks for the free copy of the January Lutheran Witness. Our former congregation’s pastor chose to discontinue the blanket congregational subscription offered through the New Jersey District in a cost-saving move. The savings are minimal, but I suspect this attitude is prevalent among many pastors and congregations. I feel this to be very foolish. The

A ‘Pit Crew’ for Men’s Ministry

by Rev. Timothy C. Cartwright I am a great advocate of outreach and evangelism. As with my current congregation, Grace Lutheran in Ashland, Org., and with all the congregations I have served, at Gloria Dei Lutheran Church in Hudson, Ohio, where I first met Leo Mehl and his wife, Marjorie, (see the print edition of

Our Seminaries: Responding to Needs, Addressing Costs

by Roland Lovstad It’s fair to say no two ministries–or congregations–in the LCMS are alike. They may be small churches in rural America, “megachurches” in the suburbs, or historic congregations in urban settings. Surrounding these congregations are wonderful opportunities to bring God’s Word to immigrants, ethnic groups, blind or deaf people, families, children, military personnel,

Lutheran Witness: May 2008

The month of May covers a lot of ground by closing the door on spring and opening the door to summer. In this issue of The Lutheran Witness, we also cover a lot of ground.

A blessing, but is something missing?

It was so refreshing and stimulating to read “The Little Church That Could” in the February 2008 Lutheran Witness. The article gave me a thrill. May Living Water Community Church continue to be a blessing to many more! By the way, many articles written by Paula Schlueter Ross have impressed me. Lois SchumacherFort Wayne, Ind.

Doing penance

I just opened the much-anticipated February issue of The Lutheran Witness. As penance for my procrastination in not writing a letter praising Dr. Siemon-Netto’s November 2007 courageous and thought-provoking article, “On Words and Vocations,” I must comment on the rancorous letters printed in the issue. I believe that the negative comments directed at Dr. Siemon-Netto

In the eye of the beholder

I so enjoyed Paine Proffitt’s artwork in the December Lutheran Witness. What wonderful Christmas cards the art would make—or are they already? Janette C. BorstEmporia, Kan.   Those weird paintings by Paine Proffitt are an insult to our heavenly Father and Son. Jesus looks like an Egyptian mummy. And Joseph and Mary need neck therapy.

New Life, New Hope, New Challenges

April marks the beginning of spring. The combination of springtime sights, sounds, and smells in God’s creation reminds us of new life and new hope.

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