The Magazine

Lutheran Ministry in Wittenberg

I was in Lutherstadt Wittenberg, Germany, in September serving with the Wittenberg English Ministry.  I question Pastor Torgerson when he says it will be wonderful when someone can say, “There is a Lutheran church here” (Lutheran Witness, October 2007). There is a strong Lutheran presence in Wittenberg now. The congregations of St. Mary’s (the Stadtkircke)

The Greatest Gift of All

Thinking about Christmas and Christmas gifts, the love with which they are purchased and exchanged, and the sacrifice that often is involved reminds us that these same factors are descriptive also of the greatest gift of all.

“The Nativity Story”

A number of LCMS congregations, schools, and youth groups are using the film “The Nativity Story” as a community outreach tool. If this pertains to you, you may want to use the Dec. 2006 Lutheran Witness story on this movie as a helpful discussion guide.

“Luther on Mission”

I was astounded to read in the October 2007 lead article, page 7: “Luther lived in a world with very few ‘evangelism opportunities’ of the sort we in the 21st century have.  He met, at most, a couple dozen unbaptized people in his entire life.” This exposes the notion that my baptism seals my salvation

More on “Is God Green?”

The letter to the Editor in the August issue of The Lutheran Witness, by Jack Pierce, is very informative and well written. Mr. Pierce’s letter was in reference to the article in the May issue of The Lutheran Witness, “Is God Green?” by Rev. Matthew Nelson.  I highly commend Mr. Pierce for his letter. It

The Comfort of the Incarnation

Written 472 years ago this Christmas, Martin Luther’s Christmas letter to Prince Joachim remains a testimony to Luther’s pastoral theology.

“On Words and Vocations”

I was disappointed in Dr. Siemon-Netto’s article (“On Words and Vocations” – November 2007) and even more disappointed in your decision to print it.  Sounding much like a Lutheran version of Andy Rooney, Dr. Siemon-Netto has served to support the unfortunate stereotypical characterization of Lutherans as a bunch of stodgy old curmudgeons desperately trying to

Enduring the Silence of God

How do we endure His silence in times of suffering and persecution? The question is a very real and practical one for the Church and for each one of us.

From Dark to Light

I would like to commend Susan Senechal for her brief but compelling article, “A Light in a World Gone Dark” (December, 2007). Unlike many of your contributors, Susan began where real life is – often dark and filled with tragedy – then soothingly applied the healing balm of the Gospel.  So often your articles strike

On Words and Vocations

In an age of politically correct terms, Christians should resist any willful deformation of their language because it inevitably creates a lie.

Let God Love You

A rainy-day visit to Grandma’s house provides a memory that lasts a lifetime.

Ablaze! in God’s Word

by Rev. Ronald E. Nelson The successful distribution of 24,000 digital New Testaments at the 2007 LCMS National Youth Gathering was just the beginning of a partnership of LCMS World Mission with Hosanna Ministries of Albuquerque, N.M., and the American Bible Society to be a conduit for bringing God’s Word to the world. The partnership will

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