The Magazine

Lutheran Witness: August 2007

With this issue, we salute and say goodbye to Mr. Don
Folkemer, managing editor of The Lutheran Witness
for the past eight years. Under Don, who retired
July 31st, the Witness held its own during a tough time for denominational magazines, whose circulations across the board have been falling for many years.

Lutheran Witness: June/July 2007

Missouri Synod, a constant challenge is trying to stay in touch with everyone to some degree. This isn’t easy to do. There are 2.5 million of us in some 900,000 households attending 6,150 congregations in 35 districts from Maine to Hawaii.

For President

  For President The men nominated by LCMS congregations to stand for election as Synod president offer their insights on the needs of the church and the issues confronting it. Five men will have their names on the ballot for president when The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod meets in its 63rd Regular Convention July 14–19 in

One Gift–Many Messengers

by Roland Lovstad One Gift—Many Messengers: National Offering Supports Seminaries One Message: Christ,” the LCMS convention theme, emphasizes worldwide Gospel proclamation, and it calls attention to the need for pastors who will proclaim that message. Therefore, “One Gift—Many Messengers” is an accompanying theme for the “Preparing Pastors Worldwide” national offering to raise $1 million to

A Parent’s Classical Perspective

by James Heine “I love classical music, and I love CLASSIC99,” says Karen Andersen, a member of Immanuel Lutheran Church in Olivette, a suburb of St. Louis. “Music has always been a big part of my life, and CLASSIC99 provides something that’s available nowhere else. Every radio in our house—and I think we have five

Judging “The Judge Who Changed History”

I waited for quite a while, but I couldn’t keep silent on some concerns I have after reading Dr. Paul Maier’s article in the March issue of The Lutheran Witness. In today’s world, far too many people question the authority of the Scripture. Some place it (the Scripture) on the same level or, as is

One Message: Christ

The 63rd Regular LCMS Convention meets July 14-19 in Houston. Learn about the nominees for president and their insights on the needs of the church.

More Good News for Thirsting Souls

I was reading in the May 2007 issue of the Lutheran Witness how people “recycled” their copies of Portals of Prayer.  Another way to recycle them is to send them to the Airmen, Soldiers, Sailors, and Marines who are deployed supporting the Global War on Terror.  I’m sure they could use some comforting words during their

Priorities for the church

I appreciate your article in the June/July issue of The Lutheran Witness that featured the priorities of the candidates for President of Synod. It was interesting to note that the #1 priority [of the candidates] varies from being inward focused to outward focused. The laypeople look to Synod leadership for both guidance and support. Because

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