The Magazine

Just Cause

Bringing Christ to soldiers is not easy, but opportunities about for chaplains to do just that.

Strengthening Bonds

How does faith in Christ keep soldiers and their families connected during deployment? by Michael and Janet Frese Michael When I received sudden orders to deploy to Afghanistan, I was flooded with emotions. The ache and pain of my first deployment had dulled with time, but in an instant, it came throbbing back. How would

Can Christians be Soldiers

For 500 years, Lutherans have answered “Yes.” by Dr. Adam S. Francisco It is hard to imagine a vocation more at odds with popular conceptions of Christian living than military service. The Christian life is supposed to be about peace and love for the neighbor, but the life of a Marine, Soldier, Sailor or Airman

Two Kinds of Authority

The April 2012, issue of The Lutheran Witness was excellent.  It covered the testimony given by President Harrison to the House of Representatives’ Committee on Oversight and Government Reform very well.  It was very much to the point and left no doubt as to where the LCMS stands on current political and moral issues.  Hopefully

Shedding Some Light

Only You Can Prevent Church Fires        A few years ago in December, I visited my friend’s church. The service was beautiful, but when it came time for the sermon, the pastor spoke a long time and my attention waned. Suddenly, I heard him call out, “There’s a fire going on in here!” Thinking that

Say the Same Thing

by Rev. Joshua Hayes Newer is better. We want our devices to be cutting-edge and fast and highly personalized. When it comes to the things of God, however, the Scriptures teach us that newer is not always better, nor should we each have a personal version of the faith. Rather, we are to share and

Love Your Pastor

Have you ever considered how difficult the task of being a pastor is? President Matthew C. Harrison reminds us to pray for, and pay heed to, our pastors.

Youth Will Live LOVE(D)

Learn how LCMS high-school youth will put Witness, Mercy, Life Together into action at the 2013 National Youth Gathering.

10 Minutes with . . .Dr. Bruce G. Kintz

by James H. Heine Concordia Publishing House is one of only four winners of the 2011 Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award–the country’s highest presidential honor for business-performance excellence through innovation, improvement and visionary leadership. CPH is the only nonprofit among the 2011 winners, announced Nov. 22. The 69 organizations that qualified for the award were

Spiritual but Not Religious

Is there a difference between being spiritual and being religious? by Rev. Travis J. Scholl You know this one-liner by now, don’t you? You’re talking with somebody in the grocery store, and somehow your church comes up. Then you get the look: the tilt of the head, the naive smile, the dewy eyes, the feigned

Believe It Your Way

Religious life has become a buffet of beliefs, but does the First Commandment allow this?

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