The Magazine

Sin Against the Holy Spirit?

by Rev. Dr. Jerald C. Joersz Q. Why is the sin against the Holy Spirit rarely mentioned today in our church? Is that because we fear disturbing people and driving them away to other churches? A. It is difficult to know whether less is said or taught about this sin today than in years past.

What Is Sin?

by Rev. Herbert C. Mueller Is sin really that big of a deal? Is it just a little screw-up, or is it intentional rebellion against God? That’s just plain wrong!” we say. Though different people may have different measures, nearly everyone will instinctively find that some actions do not measure up. Even those who say,

To the Reader

by Adriane Dorr Sin is a sticky subject. Whispering sweet, deadly nothings in our ears, the devil, the world and our sinful natures tempt us to believe that sin isn’t wrong, that it can’t hurt us, that God doesn’t really care if we break His commandments. “Did God actually say . . . ?” they

A Welcome Addition

by Rev. Dr. Greg Wismar Many people keep names and address lists either electronically or in more conventional ways, such as on file cards or in some kind of notebook. These lists constantly change as new people are added to the circle of one’s relationships or old friends are rediscovered as time passes. The Calendar

Be angry, but Do Not Sin!

Is anger inherently sinful? Rev. Allen Schenk takes a look at this topic, discussing how it can help us settle disagreements and why God gives us the grace to forgive those with whom we’re angry.

Shedding Some Light

As time goes by During a recent shut-in call to members residing in the Alzheimer wing, I struck up a conversation with the recreation director, who was entertaining a group of residents, reading stories and telling jokes. After sharing an Ole and Lena joke of my own, I told the director that I had recently

To Dust You Shall Return

by Rev. Jared Melius A new practice in Lutheranism that has become popular quickly is the Service of the Imposition of Ashes conducted on Ash Wednesday. The sign of the cross is smeared upon the forehead while the words of Gen. 3:19 are repeated: “Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return.”

By Any Other Name

If anything goes in our culture, why are public apologies still so prevalent?

In Search of St. Patrick

by John Murphy Ball St. Patrick’s Day has little liturgical significance. Outside of Ireland, it isn’t even a national holiday–I don’t know anyone who gets the day off. However, if there was ever a man who deserved to have a day named in his honor, it is Patrick. He was a Christian hero of incredible

Beloved Synod, Take Courage!

In the midst of a weak economy and unstable foreign relations, not to mention a country increasingly unwelcoming of the Lutheran faith, it can sometimes feel like there is little hope for the church. President Harrison reminds of Christ’s love and the strength that is ours in Him.

When Through Fiery Trials

The story, from Daniel chapter 3, of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego and the burning fiery furnace is not included in the Scripture readings appointed to be read on any Sunday of the Church Year. As a result, it seldom serves as a text for sermons. Most of us are familiar with the story either from Sunday School lessons or from our personal devotional readings. But it is a story that is most appropriate for each of us.

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