The Magazine

Positive changes

Thank you for revising the Witness. Now when it arrives in the mail, I take out the articles for further personal Bible study. I really appreciate the con-tributing pastors writing studies. What a positive change. Marge Staekler Whitewater, Wis.   Read More Letters to the Editor Send letters to “Letters,” c/o The Lutheran Witness, 1333

The Only Nametag We Really Need

by Rev. Ken Lampe A dog was sitting in a railway station inside a large crate. Obviously he was supposed to be sent somewhere, but no one put the crate on any of the trains. Finally, one passenger said to a clerk, “I don’t think I’ve ever seen a sadder dog. What’s the problem?” The

A great magazine

Kudos on the great articles that The Lutheran Witness has been cranking out the past few issues. It kind of snuck up on me how great this magazine is. Darren Harbaugh San Francisco, Calif.   Read More Letters to the Editor Send letters to “Letters,” c/o The Lutheran Witness, 1333 S. Kirkwood Road, St. Louis,

In the Midst of Earthly Life

“In the midst of life we are in death.” Supposedly whispered in Latin by a medieval monk after he saw a workman fall to his death, the timeless and eternal truth of those words also hits home via a Martin Luther hymn based on them. Rev. William Weedon considers their relevance to ashes placed on our foreheads just last Wednesday (March 9) and also reflects on the March 11 Japan earthquake and tsunami.

Lutheran Witness: February 2011

This month, we take a hard look at modern technology’s rightful
place in the life of a Lutheran, where it can help and where, unfortunately, it can harm.

Technology & Vocation

Is technology dehumanizing and destructive, or is it a tool to help you serve your neighbor?

Jesus at the Center

© by Rev. Tim Pauls Is being an all-around nice person good enough for God? As Christians, Jesus is at the center of everything we do. Let’s say that you’re a multibillionaire and all-around nice person, and you’ve dedicated your life and fortune to helping others. You’ve built orphanages and infrastructures. You’ve paid for

Angry with God

Q. Is it a sin to be angry with God? © iStockPhoto.comA:  An early twentieth-century post-World War I German novel tells the story of a man whose dreams were dashed in later life. He ended his days in humiliation and bitterness, “railing against the world, against authority, and against God.” Anger against God is not

The Accordion Month!

by Rev. Greg Wismar February is the accordion month on the calendar of the Church Year. In some years like A.D. 2011, when Easter is late on the calendar, the entire month of February is part of the season of Epiphany. Since Easter is not coming until April 24 this year, there are eight Sundays

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