The Magazine

Lutheran Witness: January 2010

April. It’s hard to believe that we are well into A.D.
2010—in the year of our Lord 2010, that is—and
that Easter, glorious Easter, is upon us.

Which Map?

by Dr. Robert D. Newton Is it possible to be faithful in following Christ “into all the world” and still get lost? Ask seasoned missionaries, and if they’re honest, they will undoubtedly say, “Yes!” Priscilla and Bob Newton at home in the Philippines in the late 1970s I doubt that anyone would want to question

Ministry in the Margins

by Anthony A. Cook The View from Here Editor’s Note: With this online column, we offer occasional essays on topics that appear in The Lutheran Witness or that have broad interest among our readers. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Every social group has a story–a narrative that gives the group meaning, defines values, articulates goals, identifies enemies, and records

The Earthquake in Haiti: Again, the ‘Why’ Question

by Rev. John T. Pless As I write these lines, the world reels with the news of a devastating earthquake in Haiti that has left a death toll numbering in the thousands. In this impoverished nation, the magnitude of suffering cannot be measured. Closer to home, senseless workplace murders, seemingly random violence, and cases of

Luther for Today

From the differently formed to the unborn without an opportunity to ever form, Luther links our mission with how we live.

What Is Your Areopagus?

Unbelievers…will not, on their own, choose to come and hear the Gospel. We (the Church) must go to them.

Volunteers Are Not Free!

It’s the beginning of a new year. It’s an opportunity also to review how we employ—and treat—our volunteer staff.

One of Those Years

For me, the beginning of the new year is always exciting. What will the ensuing months bring? Where will I fail? Where will I succeed? How will I grow? Coupled with looking ahead, I always make it a practice to look behind. To reflect on the closing year, to remember, and to ask, “What has God been up to in my life?”

Sadness and the Seasons

by Dr. Leslie (Jack) Fyans I have lived in the upper Midwest all my life but have always dreaded the winters. The gloomy weather depresses me. Do other people have this problem, or is it just me? All of us are affected by our natural environment, and our bodies seem to be especially sensitive to

Shedding Some Light

Say What? Leaving church one Sunday morning not long ago, my niece and her husband asked Kiera, their 3-year-old daughter, what she had learned in Sunday School. “Jesus was boring,” she responded proudly. Relieved she wasn’t overheard by someone, they proceeded straight to their van. Once again, Mom and Dad asked the question: “What did

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