Shedding Some Light

Practical Advice

On starting out on a gloomy day: First, realize that it is the day that is gloomy, not you. If you want to be gloomy, too, that’s your business, but it’s not mandatory.

George Kottwitz
Trinity Lutheran Church
Edwardsville, Ill.


Poor Pastor?

In 1969, I was serving Trinity Lutheran Church in Alice, Texas. As a mother and her 5-year-old daughter left church one Sunday morning, I overheard the little girl say to her mother, “Poor Pastor! He has to wear the same dress every Sunday.”

Rev. Richard Thur
Trinity Lutheran Church, Louisiana, Mo.
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church,
Bowling Green, Mo.


Just When You Thought You heard it All

My 5-year-old son, William, loves to quote the Bible verses he learns at school. Also, he always, always wants his own way, no matter what. One day he came home after school and announced that he wanted a snack. “No,” I replied, “not until after dinner.”

“But Ma,” he countered, “God said, ‘Be kind to one another,’ and when kids say please, you’re supposed to let them have their way. So please, you have to do what God says and let me have a snack.”

“God also said, When your mother tells you no, you have to listen,” I replied, “and no means no.”

William paused, deep in thought, it seemed. Then he said brightly, “But I didn’t hear God say anything.”

I couldn’t help but smile. Yes, William got his snack—and some further instruction on Scripture.

Lisa Young
Mount Calvary Lutheran School and Church
Milwaukee, Wis.

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