The April issue of The Lutheran Witness focused on the four Gospel accounts under the theme “Four Views on Jesus.”
- From the President: A word on the Equality Act
- From the Editor: Four Views on Jesus
- The Gospel According to Matthew — Jeffrey Gibbs
- The Gospel According to Mark — Peter Scaer
- The Gospel According to Luke — Arthur Just
- The Gospel According to John — Kevin Armbrust
- One Gospel; One Jesus — Roland Ziegler
- Memory Matters — Brian Heller
- world views: A monthly news column from Gene Edward Veith
- searching scriptures: Suffered Under Pontius Pilate, Was Crucified, Died and Was Buried
- a word about your synod: It’s Convention-al — Part of a series of articles from the Secretary of the Synod, John W. Sias, on what it means to be a Synod