The Latest Articles

The online musings from pastors, theologians and laity that will help you see the world from a Lutheran perspective. 

Candlemas: Candles, Crepes and Compline

The Feast of the Purification of Mary and the Presentation of our Lord falls on Feb. 2.


Let’s want better for our children

It’s not hard to pick up on what the world around us wants us to want for our children. But what would God have us want for them?

Jesus Christ alone

Jesus was crucified, and He hung on the cross until death — alone. He understands loneliness. He understands sadness. He understands suffering.

A Holy Week identity crisis

If we truly examine our words and actions, we are forced to admit that we have sometimes echoed Peter’s words: “I know not the man!”

Save the offering

Online giving may soon make passing the plate during Sunday morning worship services practically obsolete. But at what theological cost?

Love won in St. Louis

What does love look like? A husband and a wife who lay down their lives for each other. Christ on the cross, dying to redeem His Bride.

Let there be light

Beginning with its epic appearance in the opening verses of Genesis, light is a powerful image throughout the pages of Scripture.

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