The Latest Articles

The online musings from pastors, theologians and laity that will help you see the world from a Lutheran perspective. 

Mental Illness in the Lutheran Congregation

Research shows that one in five adults, and one in six children, will experience a mental illness.


The thief of joy

It happens every Sunday morning at every congregation: As soon as sinners gather, they start to compare themselves to each other.

Going for gold in grumbling

How often do we go for gold in grumbling? How hard is it for us to let someone else be more wretched than we are?

Are you an eye, a little toe or a spleen?

The Lord put His Church together so that each member is an important part of the Body. We are incomplete when even one of our members is missing from our fellowship.

Of handshakes and holograms

“You’re going to be out of a job soon, Pastor Bob,” I said to our pastor in the handshake line the other Sunday. “Not you personally. But preachers everywhere.”

‘Now’ is a good time to pray

Every “now” of our lives is a good time to pray. Whether we are content or troubled, each day is a good day to pray to the Lord.

Pray, praise and give thanks

Our life together should certainly include bearing one another’s burdens and interceding for the sorrowful, but it is also important to celebrate together — to “rejoice with those who rejoice” even as we also “weep with those who weep” (Rom. 12:15).

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