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The online musings from pastors, theologians and laity that will help you see the world from a Lutheran perspective.
‘For You To Dwell Within My Heart’
Dear parents: To serve the newborn King, the Savior of the world is a sacred and honorable calling.
In Detroit: Partners in the Field
by Roland Lovstad Ministry among immigrants in neighborhoods such as Detroit’s Mexicantown depends on willing and committed volunteers as well …
Back to School: From School to Church – a Personal Story
by Diane Strzelecki Like families in many communities, the Ellis family was unchurched. Today, the family worships at Immanuel Lutheran …
Summer Worship–An Exciting Adventure!
by Scott Snow As the “dog days of summer” fade into preparations for kids going back to school, there will …
Living Together Before Marriage
by Richard C. Eyer As I sat in the waiting room thumbing through the only magazines available–women’s magazines–I skimmed an …
Buy the Field!
by R. Reed Lessing The year is 588 B.C. and Nebuchadnezzar, the great Babylonian king, is establishing his headquarters at …
Would St. Paul Work at Starbucks? Going Where the People Are
by Dave Ficken Living with the Gospel in church is often comfortable. But in an age when people no longer …