Technology & Vocation

Is technology dehumanizing and destructive, or is it a tool to help you serve your neighbor?

Jesus at the Center

© by Rev. Tim Pauls Is being an all-around nice person good enough for God? As Christians, Jesus is at the center of everything we do. Let’s say that you’re a multibillionaire and all-around nice person, and you’ve dedicated your life and fortune to helping others. You’ve built orphanages and infrastructures. You’ve paid for

Finding Strength in the Holy Communion

Often times, it’s easy for those of us who are lifelong Lutherans to take aspects of our church life for granted. But for a new Lutheran, joining a church that confesses Christ’s bodily presence in the Lord’s Supper is comforting, reassuring, and just plain exciting!

Jesus: Beginning the Conversation

by Rev. Dr. David P. Scaer Polls taken in October show church members are less informed about religion than the non-churched, but we Americans are more often in church than Europeans. Since we are religious, we should engage in talking about what we believe, but where do we start? Beginning with God is an obvious

Rejoice in Open Doors!

by Rev. Dr. Greg Wismar Open to me the gates of righteousness.” Those words from Ps. 118:19 are deeply meaningful to our experience of the entire Christian year. Our life together in the year of the Church centers on Easter Sunday, the day of the Resurrection of our Lord. Each year, the last section of

The Boy Jesus

by Rev. Jared Melius In the face of numerous adjustments to our lectionaries over the past generation, our churches still encounter one very important passage nearly every January—the account of Jesus as a young boy in the temple (Luke 2:41–52). This is a blessing. Aside from various accounts of our Lord’s passion and crucifixion, not

Epiphany Must Go On!

by Dr. Lewis W. Spitz Sr. Epiphany–a beautiful word! Beautiful because it designates the Lord’s appearing among men and the manifestation of His glory. Today we primarily commemorate the manifestation of God to the Magi, or Wise Men from the east, in the person of the Christ Child. Some Christians have celebrated the Savior’s birth

The View from Here: The Legend of the Nazarene

by Augusta Mennell

What is the most popular religion in the world? It may be “the legend of the Nazarene.” Wherever I go I find it alive and prospering. Certainly, it is my biggest challenge in campus ministry at All Saints Lutheran Church and Student Center.

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