A Modern Reformation

by Rev. Steven B. Borst In the year 1517, on the evening before All Saints, the Castle Church in Wittenberg was prepared for the festival services to be held the next day. Inside the church, 19,000 relics were laid out to be adored by the arriving throng of worshipers. Outside the church doors, however, a

What Makes America American?

PBS has chronicled the American experience in war, peace, depression, and prosperity. Now religion. Dr. Rast previews “God in America.”

10 Minutes with…Matt Harrison

by James H. Heine Rev. Matthew C. Harrison was installed as the 13th president of The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod Sept. 11. Several days before his installation, The Lutheran Witness sat down with President Harrison for a conversation about the LCMS, his new responsibilities, his family, and himself. ~~~ TLW: We suspect the past few weeks

Hitting the Million Mark

Hope Lutheran Church in Jackpot, Nev., has indeed hit the jackpot. Find out how Rev. Gary Benedix purchased the one millionth copy of Lutheran Service Book.

Hope in Jackpot

by Adriane Dorr Rev. Gary Benedix recently retired from full-time ministry . . . but not really. “I have been a pastor and missionary for 42 years; the last 30 of those years were at Peace Lutheran Church in Filer, Idaho,” he states. Although he retired as Peace’s pastor in June, he continued to serve

It’s Mission Month

Looking for ways to celebrate the Reformation and Mission Month? LCMS World Mission and English District President David Stechholz offer a variety of ways.

Dancing on the Devil’s Grave

by Rev. William M. Cwirla Halloween has become a major commercial holiday in this country, second in potential profit making only to the Christmas season. The average American family now spends well over $100 each year in tricks, treats, and scary decorations. What do we Christians do with Halloween? Is it innocent fun or something

Who Communes the Pastor?

by Dr. Jerald C. Joersz We are longtime Missouri Synod Lutherans who believe in the real presence of the body and blood of our Savior Jesus Christ. However, we and other members of our congregation are offended by a practice recently introduced by our pastor. During the Communion service, he communes himself. Is this proper?

You Can Go Home Again

by Dr. William B. Knippa Our son is graduating from college, and as parents, we couldn’t be prouder. But we are a bit chagrined that he plans to move back home with us while he looks for a job. We’ve gotten used to being empty-nesters and aren’t sure how we can make this work for

In Praise of Work

What does Labor Day have to do with you anyway? Veith teaches a crash course on how you as a Lutheran live in the world, exercise your faith, and find meaning in what you do.

Shedding Some Light

Random Thoughts for the Last Days of Summer A mousetrap placed on top of your alarm clock will prevent you from rolling over and going back to sleep after you hit the snooze button. Kathryn Gritts St. Louis, Mo. You know your commute to work has become too much when you sit at your desk

A Sardine in the Tin

Insanity has been defined as doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.

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