Summer Worship–An Exciting Adventure!

by Scott Snow As the “dog days of summer” fade into preparations for kids going back to school, there will still be time for many families to squeeze in that last exciting opportunity to get away before the more relaxed schedules of summer become distant memories. Others will know the excitement of welcoming these travelers

Hack The Shack?

I have a few comments regarding The Shack and the article by Rev. Steven Borst in the May Lutheran Witness. Even though, as Pastor Borst says, the book has some good points, my concern is its vicious attacks on Orthodox theology and the anti-church and misleading messages the book portrays. Many people may read this

Reaching the World

I enjoyed the articles on our seminaries and our seminarians in the May issue, and I would like to relate the interesting story behind one seminarian, now a vicar: Mark Larson. The story: Mark was an executive at a nuclear power plant, his wife, Debbie, using her MBA, their two children out of school and

Our magnificent faith

I appreciate Dr. Karl Barth’s response to my April Witness article, “Reservations on the Resurrection?” and I certainly agree that the Gospel writers did a much finer job of recall than did my students in the illustration provided! The point, again, was simply to demonstrate that, in terms of the human dimension, people seeing the

Not Lutheran

The Shedding Some Light cartoon in the May issue is not very Lutheran. From what I have been taught in my childhood home, congregational catechism classes, and later at Concordia University, Rain, rain go away, come again another day is a prayer. Helen M. CraigMaryville, Mo.   Read More Letters to the Editor Send letters

An Old Lutheran?

My husband teases me about being “an old Lutheran.” In this day of universal informality, lots of decency and manners seem to have gone out of style, even in church. Perhaps it is the floor plan of our church, but I can’t help but notice that people don’t seem to observe what was once known

Imparting a treasure

Roger Johnson of inner-city Chicago (May “Letters”) is to be commended for his sincere desire to reach people of the world with the Gospel of Christ through his congregation. However, while I am not living the dynamic of his specific parish environment and situation, having lived 35 years in that greater metropolitan area–29 years prior

Living Together Before Marriage

by Richard C. Eyer As I sat in the waiting room thumbing through the only magazines available–women’s magazines–I skimmed an article intending to prepare young women for having sex on a first date. There were no prohibitions for doing so, only precautions about the kind of men with whom a woman should allow herself to

Fathers and Sons

On Father’s Day, many dads will celebrate and fire up the barbeque grill. But fathers have a greater responsibility, too…serving as role models for their sons.

A timely reminder

God be praised for the wonderful “What’s New at Our Concordias?” found in the April Lutheran Witness. It is good for LCMS members to know that our colleges and universities continue to find innovative ways to bring solid Lutheran higher education to increasing numbers of people, both extending Gospel witness and staying solvent in the

Buy the Field!

by R. Reed Lessing The year is 588 B.C. and Nebuchadnezzar, the great Babylonian king, is establishing his headquarters at Riblah in modern-day Syria. Having destroyed the Judean fortresses at Lachish and Azekah, his troops are beginning to lay siege to the prize, the jewel, the crown of his military campaign, Jerusalem (cf. 2 Kings

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